Sam Harris has whack job Uma Valeti trying to grow meat in labratory for mass consumption

Arturo Armando
   Sam Harris had the owner of Memphis meats on his podcast talking about the mystery meat that his company wants to sell manufactured from a lab and not a barn. Uma Valeti came on Sam Harris's podcast and decide to talk up his frankenburgers as mentioned on this blog a few months back. Uma says that his beef tastes lie beef even tough it didn't come from an actual cow but some cells grown on skull island somewhere far away. Uma says that this will be the most efficient way in the future to produce meats and that he was motivated to start this project after seeing the cruelty of meat slaughterhouse and raising animals in pens for mass consumption. Uma brought his dry erase board and went over some details with Sam Harris about how the costs will eventually be allowed and that laboratory meats will be less expensive than the costs of raising animals to full size and then slaughtering the mammal in a bloody pen. Sam Harris was intrigued by this process as a new convert to vegetarianism and this thought project seems to be a good deed and idea if conceivable from the boys at Memphis meats. Harris wondered though about the creepiness aspect about this meat producing method overtaking the long standard animal murder project that humanity has been doing though the basis of time often using religious excuses to justify eating fellow creatures. Uma said these meat tastes just like meat and was indistinguishable from meats you get at supermarket in fact even safer because there is no chance of ecoli and other fecal matter diseases and contamination that could come from barnyard animals rolling in their shit before slaughter. Uma told him technology will not be slowed down and eventually like driverless cars that laboratory meats will become the dominate force and those wishing to return to the slaughter house and penning animal sin small captivity confinement would be considered savages and barbarians by future generations use to laboratory meat production. This would be good if it just prevents me from seeing the pai ful result of agribusiness meat production which is obese people and this method of food production unquestionably would render the obese obsolete.

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