Aaron McConnell draws it and Jonathan Hennessy writes a major comic grapics art book about beer

Arnold Buckley
  The world is about beer. A graphics art book called the "The Comic Book story of beer by authors Mike Smith and Jonathan Hennessey brings a history of this drink through current times to the young reader in this excellent examination of this element in human development. man has loved beer and it has helped mankind to civilization and settled lifestyle through the importance of agriculture to brew these fabulous drinks. The author even questions if we would even have communities and cities had it not been through beer. Aaron McConnell does the incredible artwork and the beginning of beers humble start in mesoptomania and how it spread and became loved by all civilization. This book does a great job explaining the beer and Hennessey again shows his marvelous writing skills and detail storyline to bring this interesting subject to eager Some guy named Mike smith also was involved in this book. minds. His exploratory writing technique along with Aaron McConnell's artwork makes this book a top graphics book to be added to the cool list.  Some guy named Mike smith was also involved in this book. beer production made a big impact in Europe and the story of beers rise and eventual placement in the new world is the best part of this book. Aaron's artwork is featured in this book and he has had his artwork featured in a variety of books and his versatile artwork style of period-accurate renderings to cartoony graphs is visually pleasing to the reader. the third author is some dweeb named Mike Smith whose contributions and importance is not et known or may never be understood in writing this book. According to the book he has worked in breweries for the past two decades and likely funded this project as head brew master  at something called Back East Brewery in Conneciciut. Like I said his contributions are suspect and not even sure why he is listed as an author of this er project. Image result for aaron mcconnell illustrator mike smith beer comic bookAnyway this is a great book featuring two great contributers that give a quick glimpse of the role of beer in society and civilization and how its importance continues to play a role in shifting pop culture today.

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