Sean Hannitty pleased aand praises Bill Clinton's defense against activist agitators and provocateurs

Clark Kramer

   Bill Clinton standing up to Black Lives matter protestors pleased talk show host sean hannitty the other day as he talked about the incident the former president got into with protestors. Black protestors want to blame Bill Clinton and tough justice laws he signed into for the erratic behavior that gets Black folks locked up in prison. The no-snitch policy of Black urban neighborhoods ahs lead to their own decay and nightmarish conditions that the Black community is so quick to blame white agitators politicians like Bill Clinton. Clinton realized that lack criminal activity was causing great harm to the Black community and signed tougher crime bills that some say effected those people of color who refuse to live productive honorable lives and ways to make a living. Sean Hannitty was pleased as well he should be to see the former president humiliate these protestors by laying blame on their own fet instead of his for the deterioration of Black America even further into the abyss. Bill Clinton blamed Black gag leaders for expanding their criminal activity through the backs of cheap labor and young kids by getting them gooked jup on glop and brazen to commit these acts of uerban terrorism against rivals and business owners in the Back community. Bill Clinton is no longer running for office and can more easily stand up to Black activists instead of shamefully kowtowing to Black scumbag extortionists like Al Sharpton as Bill Clinton had to in the past. Black Lives matter are provocateur's most likely funded form foreign sources trying to embarrass and ridicule America in the international press and coverage and Bill Clinton's bravery to speak out against this group and their ignorance was promising. As Hannitty points out these people push and encourage a street hustle criminal worship culture in the inner-cities of this country and do more to discourage business and investment than to improve their communities  The fact that these silly bastards want to blame old laws and the police for their current predicament is scenario and narrative far-left liberals want to portray and accuse ignoring the real culprits in the gangster black culture and community.

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