Another Indepedence Alien invasion movie last thing movie goes need

Nick Dumbjilio
   Jeff Goldblum is given another chance to get some work. Word as an Independence day sequel coming to what was a boring and unoriginal movie in 1996 that somehow got such fan fare.  This movie will blow even worse than the original not having the main star in Will smith and this sequel reminds me a lot when they made the erroneous decision to do a predator II without Arnold Schwarzenegger. the reason they are doing tis movie is flat out they have no original scripts in Hollywood and figure rehashing the same material is recipe for movie revenue success. Unfortunately this method by Ollywood has hit pay dirt many times and explains why there is a plethora of comic hero movies even though most people are well past the age they find this of interest. The dominance of youth in todays movie audiences and movies also explains how another lame science fiction alien moving such as this new independence day movie is being produced. Movies are way to geared towards youth and older and middle age people have only themselves to blame for this by not demanding more diverse movies be created from Hollywood nd have so long aligned the studios to just make movies only directed to immature audiences. Jeff Goldblum is bringing the bridge to a new set of characters in their twenties to carry the torch of this franchise that these producer hope is as big as the original but obviously this will not happen as anything after the original will be found anti-climatic. There is nothing original in this movie and I predict it will be the bust of the season and will seriously make them reconsider attempting to make this another endless space movie franchise. I was quote honestly shocked by the stupidity and absurdity of a new Independence day movie and how these knuckleheads actually think they can repeat the success. Upon reading that Will smith will have nothing to do with this movie it is unbelievable that some con-artist producer actually got this project funded and made into a motion picture. Jeff Goldblum has a few more Jurassic Park movies. 

Red Eye radio fag assholes upset at mouting grief for the murder of Harambe the Gorilla

Neil Knight
   The Red Eye radio Fags have a problem with the outpouring of grief for the murder of arambe the Gorilla. Eric Harley and Gary McNamara were shocked at how many people through social media were outraged that the endangered Lowland Gorilla had to be shot to death in order to rescue some boy who crawled to where he was not suppose to be from negligent parents. first of all these two fags don't understand was that tis was a Gorilla cage and not a tiger cage. Gorillas do not kill and eat four year old kids. The Silverback beast hovered over the child inspecting it as is its job as troop leader of the band o Gorillas. The child was in no harm and wouldn't be in any harm and the fact that these right-wing maggots don't know this show their unintelligence in matters of zoology and animal biology. Cincinnati zoo officials could easily of shot some tear gas to drive the Gorilla away or injected it with a tranquilizer and this is where the outrage exists from so many humans. These silly jackasses repeated their disdain for people giving human characteristics to animals but nobody was doing that. These creatures are better than humans who kill each other on the whim and this is something Harley and McNamara don't consider or the fact that many people do consider animal life as precious as humanity. Some even more so and given the track record of man on this planet this thinking actually is justified. we here at the Left Shark care more for sharks, bulls, bears and apes more than jack fucks like Eric Harley and Gary McNamara.  Men like Harley and McNamara are part of this right-wing Christian philosophy that animals are below human beings in importance of life and thus feel justified by killing this poor confided and imprisoned beautiful animal. the red Eye radio losers could be counted on being haters of this as I was expecting this would be the first thing they talked about after hearing their anger about the people saddened by the death of Cecil the Lion. Eric Harley and Gary Mac couldn't believe the outpouring anger against the dentist for killing a lion some months back and once again these idiots only feel human life is important and this thinking is exactly why so many animals species have been wiped out and are continually threatened by man.

Gerald Celente blames America for Syrians killing themselves

Andy Cruz
   Gerald Celente is a trend setting idiot. The guy often hopes and says a US economic collapse is coming and then blames the united States for every civil war around the globe. This man says noting of the global jihadism and war tat has been spread by Muslims since the eighties as being the cause and eventually this sectarian warfare against secularists and governments not promoting sharia law have nothing to do with American policy. The United States gladly supports its allies and those that promise more stability in a region. Gerald Celente thinks that we shouldn't get involved in interconflicts and without a doubt this guy would be one of those demanding we not enter world war II and let Germany conquer Europe.  Muslim society has always known violence and it goes in cycles as the crazies only now through violence can Muslim maintain its strict hierarchy and influence in the Middle East. Gerald Celente has more problems with American retaliatory bombings against terrorists than the endless political and religious terror networks that bomb the shit out of infrastructure and people in a café. These areas have always been unstable regardless of the West and is exactly why these areas didn't have any functioning states and were easy prey for colonialization.  All these Middle eastern states are failed states because of the backward nation of the dominant religion in the region that only is the dominant religion because of the hostility it has for other viewpoints and beliefs. It is their war-like tribal intolerance to why uslims are ninty nine percent of the religion as all others were beheaded and driven out of the respective countries but you will  ot hear Gerald Celenete mention this before he tries to sell gold and silver.

Casper Comics of the 1960's negatively reinforced the old sterotypes on Native Americans that lead to Indian nicknames

Arnold Buckley
  The sixties Casper comic portrayal of Native Indians is a case in point of prejudicial artwork being passed through the comic strip world. in this strip in 1969 Casper and his toy train are attacked by Native Americans who threaten to commit hostile acts upon the train and poor old Casper who is already dead.
  the Indians are made ignorant and dumb not even noticing that Casper is a ghost and a friendly one at that. This is often how one would find Native Americans portrayed in the sixties and unmistakingly one can find some sort of serotype caricature of Indians in every comic strip back then. I am sure one could scan the thousands of Popeye comics done by the various artists and find some storyline of bad war-crying Indians as if this was the 1860's and not 1960's. These Casper comics done were totally insulting and the gains against this negative portray and stereotyping battles have been mostly won in print media form. The defenders of the Washington Redskins nickname don't quite understand that it was this caricature of the Native American to as  many schools and professional sports teams deciding to dishonor the native Americans with this portrayal. When jackasses dress up as native Americans to honor their favorite football team that uses a racial slur then they are pushing back against the push against these stereotypes and characterization  of a culture which suffered a massive genocidal generational attack upon it. The Washington redskins nickname needs to go into the same abyss these comic went.

Donald Trump secretly admires Kim Jung Un

Lee Park Kong
   Donald trump says he would gladly speak with the North Koran dictator and reason with the leader of the hermit kingdom on North Korea. Trump basically thinks dealing with Kim Jung Un would be no different than fellow psychopaths at wall streets and big banks and in tis Donald trump may be correct on talking to the most extreme crazy leaders of industry. Trump ay be over his head though in getting close and cozy wit someone like Kim Jung who has sent thousands into a gulag system of systematic starvation and torture. Donald Trump will not be able to tell the man he is fired and boot him off the dialogue table and exactly how Trump would bargain with this monster isn't exactly clear.
   On one campaign stop it appeared that Trump actually was praising the young Ung and his ability to quickly take over reigns of leadership and kill his uncles.  US presidential hopeful said the tubby tyrant deserves “credit” for brutally killing his own uncle. Kim Jung un basically is an extreme tyrant that much of the world hasn't seen for a while and there is nothing admirable about wat he has done. he is also not worth to discuss and have dialogue.  Speaking at a Republican rally, Mr Trump said the way the despot executes his political opponents shows “he’s the boss”. GETTY Mr Trump said: “You’ve got to give him credit. How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden — you know, it’s pretty amazing when you think of it. How does he do that? "Even though it is a culture, and it’s a cultural thing, he goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss. It’s incredible. "He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. “This guy doesn’t play  said the orange haird bastard and deep down in the soul of Donald Trump he secretly admires the North Korean leader. it may be likely Donald Trump would emulate much of the leadership skills of a Kim Jung Un and incorporate them into his rule.                         

Al Franken a frankenstein candidate to be on Hillary Clinton's ticket according to Bill Scher

Clark Kramer
   Bill Scher does a bloggingheadTV program with Matt Lewis talking politics and is the one bloggingheads discussion I really follow on a regular basis. Scher and Lewis talk presidential politics and campaign races usually in December following the election until the next election and they are all politics all of the time.  Scher praised himself this election series as pushing Al Franklin and being the first to suggest Mr Franklin should be Hillary Clinton's vice-president just for his celebrity nature and name recognition. first f all most of America knows little about this guy who was more of a writer than on screener on Saturday Night Live. most people would not recognize this man and assume he is some aging rocket pocket tech nerd. Al franklin never was much of a comedian nor did he ever have much of a following and his election as senator had much more to do with the leftist nature of this mans extreme liberal politics and that he was a local celebrity in his home state of Minnesota. there was some fame that carried him into the political arena but this by far will not resonate with the rest of the country. Franken is a Frankenstein character of liberal nonsense and propaganda that somehow got himself elected in the senate. Scher is a liberal geek who gets little mainstream media time because he says so much stupid shit like Al franklin would erase all of Trump's popularity in a presidential election because franklin is a celebrity himself. Al Franklin would only help Hillary win Minnesota and that would be it and if Scher new a thing about politics and culture he would realize this guy has no following on a national basis

Independent LA donut shop owners not worried about Dunkin Donuts expansion

Chuck Woodruff
   Independent donut store owners are not worried about Dunkin Donuts. The terrible New England chain is once again trying to make inroads into California to help give the Guahartis more ownership and franchise opportunities through this bad corporate chain. No other city has independent chains like the city of Angels and many of these owners have fryers going on for twenty four hours thus offering a superior product. I am often amazed at the monopolistic abilities of the Dunken Donuts brand in the Chicago region and how they are able to get more saturation which is what corporate Dunkin demands for more growth selling bad coffee and donuts. lo Angeles is a different species than the ignorant immigrant Chicago region and Dunkin Donuts failed miserable a decade ago in California. The independent owners are not really worried about Dunkin Donuts though having harsh words for the quality of their competitors product through Huffington Post insight into this war. Dunkin Donuts plane on having 15000 stores in America nd they want to open up the vast expanses of areas that have been dunkin free for some time. Dunkin has major advantages being a large conglomerate over the small mom and pops but without a doubt given an actual choice this brand would never have the chance to expand without competition such as solid independents. For some reason in the Midwest and new England people don't want to take time to run a shop thus opening up slots for Indian Guaripits to come here and dominate the trade. people need to stop going to this disgusting chain that rips people off in so many ways. Malay Tao calls Dunkin Donuts the McDonalds of the donut world and is not worried about their expansion plans. he has heard the donuts at DD are awful and stale which they are and this nice looking woman has created a loyal base of fans wanting real donuts.
stans donuts
 Stan Berman likewise said there is no comparison of donuts made in house than one made in a commissary some three hours away. Dunkin is a cheap coffee outlet selling the bad cheap folgers store brands instead of premium coffee a higher prices.  hopefully Stan the man is correct and eople in ter regions are not like the idiots who keep helping this awful chain to expand because they are too fat and lazy to get out of their cars for coffee. The American landscape and throughfare is boring enough without more boring ubiquitous sameness that already prevails this pathetic corporate culture and country.

The time Thom Hartmann ate bugs to save face for some nasty Japs

Gus Perkowski
   Thom Hartmann received a phone call from a caller telling him the importance of food and culture and how Hartmann's recent avocation for a vegan lifestyle is seen as an attack on American culture. It took some time for the ultra-orthodox liberal radio host to make the connection of the important role of food and preparation and style of a persons ethnic culture. they go hand in hand and Hartmann related a story when he traveled to Japan in the eighties with a business deal with some Japs. The took him to an exclusive sex-gendered all-male restaurant. Hartmann noticed that for appetizers the place served bugs and cockroaches to their host and Hartmann felt compelled to eat it out of fear of disrespecting his Jap hosts. Hartman  proceeded to visit the bathroom and regurgitate himself many times through this meal but he realized that fucking eating insects was deeply ingrained in the Japanese culture and he came around the callers assertions that advocating vegan was likely an attack on the cultural institutions of certain dishes. I thought this conversation amusing because it shows the cultural PC aquirization of this moronic liberal that he would go as far as devouring something he found disgusting and tasteful because he was afraid to e what...perceived racist.hartmann went on to state how some cultures consider it gross how we eat the milk turned into cheese on everything and hartmann leanred a lot about food and culture in this phone call.  One as to wonder if these Japanese hosts has served a plate of whale dung if this jack would of grabbed a spoon and started gulping away.  Hartmann was too much of a pussy and I would of told these pricks to take those bugs and put them where the sun don't shine. Humans should not be eating insects and any culture that tried to push tis or promote this idea is just a flop society and culture of whack jobs. Hartmann is  such a pansy for eating these Japanese bugs dug up from who knows where

Milwaukee's backpage Nikki just anoter White trash Nikki on these escort sites

Larry Frost
   Nikki in Milwaukee is typical of the trash you come across the ds across America. The buxom blonde is full of tattoos and has the intelligence of a can of tuna fish. Nikki from Milwaukee is just one of many White trash wo work full time selling their inked up body to the insker lover trash bikers that are in many parts of Milwaukee's large and sprawling suburbs. Nikki is a loose girl whose debt has caused her to place numerous ads selling her wares to complete strangers 💎🔥🍒 AVAILABLE now!Outcalls/incalls NEW #4144674849 geNtlemans choice🍒🔥💎 - 24 and needs now to bring dreams into a reality for these males. However, when many of them come to the door and realize she is not has nice looking and slender as her photo. You can never trust a girl named Nicki and most of the Nikki's I have run across on Backpage seemed more bullshit and less quality in their service and what they say they will do to you over the phone.  💎🔥🍒 AVAILABLE now!Outcalls/incalls NEW #4144674849 geNtlemans choice🍒🔥💎 - 24

Cincinatti zoo officials shoot defenseless Gorilaa to death

Jake Glass
  Once again an animal ad to be slaughtered as a child slipped trough the bars of the Cincinnati zoo and soon found himself face to face with a four hundred pound beast.The gorilla has been identified as Harambe, a 17-year-old. The animal was captured on video below carrying the boy around the zoo for about 10 minutes. Zoo swat officials quickly surrounded the primate center and accessed the situation. Instead of throwing a beach ball in the enclosure or shooting the Gorilla with a stun dart they decided the animal ad to be shot dead on sight in order to save the four year old boy. Never mind the boy was never I danger as the male likely was protecting and watching t from other younger gorillas. Harambe was also seen tightening the boys pants and tucking in the kids shirt to make him more presentable. Somehow they felt that tis wild animal needed to be liquidated and this is just another example as to why zoos need to go and basically are totally inhumane places. zoos are nothing but prisons for animals that should be roaming free in their native habitats but are instead put on display often endangering animals in these processing centers whenever trouble like this arise.  The Cincinnati zoo prides itself and says that it is always working on helping endangered animals and whether this includes blasting its brains out is unknown.

Wy Richard Branson and mega billionairies are obsessed with space travel

Troy York
  In the quest to bring more investment money to his project Jeff Branson wants his brand to be seen as the cutting edge of technology. What is otherwise a lame airline most of which bleed money Mr Branson seeks to deliver humanity to space in the ultra-trip for the millionaire classes of the world. regardless that the trips would be like ten minutes in space and that the traveler couldn't really do anything as a trip to Bermuda is more entertainment, the billionaire Jeff Branson and others are spending billions in space. The tech-savvy and well-funded would rather fund their fantasies and star visions more than fund infrastructure on earth where everyone lives and people will always mostly live. This is the arrogance of the billionaire class that feels despite the many problems on the planet that the rich and powerful still have the right to sip a martini and have all this spending done to get them up sipping martinis and looking out a window most likely laughing at the people who look like ants. Just like ants is how this class of individual, that a Jeff Branson and Elon Musk belong and  seek to cater, sees the rest of humanity and they don't take into consideration the waste of resources and pollution teir space tourism would definitely put further on the planet. This corrupt government and the others of the West should stop all of these billionaire tourism space research until climate change if fixed, which will never be settled until the profiteers quit abusing everything. These space adventures draw money from other Earth-bound companies and basically are attempts by the business class to avoid taxes and expenditure the rest of the public needs. These guys talk shit about how its humanity's destiny to colonize the stars and extract resources to bring back from an asteroid but the BS and goals are all about spending money to an industry where already rich and only rich people are employed. Ricardo Branson and Elon musk think that because there are a lot of rich people willing to pony money up to reach the atmosphere that it means a market must be created. All because there are a lot of idiots who want to go to space doesn't mean we should let companies and the rich fleece the public coffers to fill this niche. I hope that these eccentric Dr Smith types do go into space personally and that Elon and sir Richard the chickenheart do go into space and wind up lost just like the old sixties TV show . Branson, Musk, and Bezos apparently watched too many episodes of this show and Star Trek and Star wars through the years and it influences them to waste money into something they really have no clue the difficulties and improbabilities.
walking man brutally beatan by a black man in Chicago

Ugly corporate raider Mark Davis thinking of moving daddies NFL team to Vegas to fleece tax payers

Leroy Yost
   The son of Al wants to move the Oakland raiders again as he seeks city revenue and tax-base to build a luxury stadium for a team that plays eight games a year. The worlds ugliest rich guy has to be Mark Davis the current owner of the Oakland Raiders and if tis turkey has its way the team would become the Las Vegas raiders. Las Vegas is a city full of scammers and if the National Football league would be crazy enough to allow one of their most storied franchises to relocate to tis gambling cow-town of debt then this is definitely a league where every game should be considered suspect. The Las Vegas market is so small and the busy tourists would really have little impact in raiders attendance so tis deal is just insane. What it is all about is another greedy sports-owner trying to pass the construction of a stadium to the tax-payer while he reaps all the benefits of owning it and profiting from the number of non-football events this place could actually conceivably host. Mark Davis is a fucking A hole and looks like he is permanently wearing one of them scary Halloween masks. This guy should have the Raiders confiscated from I'm by the government and the city should own the team much like the Green Bay packers are owned by the city. A man such as this should not even own a Amoco gas station in El Sugundo yet alone a football team and the Davis family among others to able to pass team ownership and assets in the family illustrates what is exactly wrong with capitalism as run by the Anglo-America world.  This alien-looking Davis wants government and casino capitalism to construct a 1.8 billion dollar temple that he could have and rent out luxury seating for a bad collision sport and endless awful Beyoncé type concerts and that this jackass can rake in the profits from the stupidity of this country to spend money on these events.  The South Nevada business community made a video recently highlighting the benefits of having an NFL team in this casino corrupt culture and one wonders how soon it would be before the amblers and wage debtors would corrupt sport totally from the inside influencing gullible player always looking to bonus their incomes. in recent years it already appears many players are tanking plays to ensure score margins especially towards the end of the game. there already is no integrity in this game and adding a city such as Vegas into the NFL lineup would only ensure more price and score fixing in tis ridiculous sport. At the end of last month, Mark Davis met with the Southern Nevada Tourism Infrastructure Committee and pledged $500 million to a stadium project that would send the Raiders from Oakland to Las Vegas, pending a host of factors, including approval from at least 24 team owners, and the go-ahead on $750 million in public money from local tourism taxes. The problem is the city doesn't want this team as perhaps Davis hasn't learned that this is not a sports town. Many of your tourists come from football crazy arts of the world where the players use their foot and athletic ability and not just their girth. people want to wager on sports not watch a bad sport and possible matchups of 4-8 teams on a Sunday afternoon in sin city. This last desperate plea by Davis for a Dallas Cowboy type stadium is pathetic as the Raiders are a shell of their former selves. He would be better off moving the team to Boston or Austin, Texas than Vegas and no way in hell will he get the public to financially support his football palace to the tune he is seeking. the arrogance and incompetence of the Davis family to treat raider fans as gypsies should of waken these idiots long ago and many in fact are quitting their fandom to the silver and Black. The reason this jackass Davis is seeking to move is the sales for reserved ten year seating at a four grand apiece to be on the list was way smaller than expected after the raiders returned from Los Angeles. Pro Football is waning in America regardless what the corporate media may say and is only a matter of time the long-awaited decline of pro collision concussion ball occurs in the American cultural scene and tis cannot happen soon enough for so many. No more public money for billionaire American  football pushers. Let them pay their own stadiums and eat their grass.

Hulk Hogan and Peter Thiel's money will not rest until is taken down

Wally Jackson
Billionaire baby and fruitcake Peter Thiel has issues with This excellent news source outed his ass some years ago and his humiliation at being exposed as a homo has lead Peter to have a vendetta against this company. Some years ago a DJ  named Bubba sponge set up Hulk Hogan with a sex tape and it was sold to Gawker who exposed the Hulkster as some player who uses his so-called fame popularity to get himself laid from friends girlfriends. Hulk Hogan sued Gawker and go some jingle in the high millions thanks to this corrupt country being overrun with lawyers. It has come out that Peter Thiel has bankrolled this very expensive lawsuit of Hogan's against Gawker for showing this sex tape and one as to wonder if Thiel even set up Gawker and this video just to bring don this website because he is such a vindictive and angry economic hoarder billionaire. Anyone who has made their billions though technology and silicon valley is suspect in my mind and just a master manipulator of investment and over-valuation engineer. Peter Thiel reads books and just needs to get over Gawker and for I'm having to come out as the gay he is and for this lunatic to use his wealth to back a lawsuit he has no basis or involvement is just indicative to the vindictive nature of the baby billionaire. Thiel has no involvement and shouldn't e allowed to put any money in lawsuits that don't affect him(unless as I suspect he made the whole tape himself)
   Thiel's reported involvement with the lawsuit raises disturbing questions about the possible use of litigation aimed at putting a defendant out of business for spite. But it also points to an ever larger issue — the spreading business of litigation finance, in which investors put up money to support a lawsuit in exchange for a piece of any recovery. Pretty much wealthy people can use their economic domination and corruption abilities in the courts with the amount of money they take for themselves in this culture. Hulk Hogan's lawsuit should be immediately dismissed through this connection of bankroll from peter Thiel and the question to who really was behind tis Hulk sex tape needs to be reexamined and replayed for all to see.

Alex Jones and Glen Beck feud of the two moron

Jamie Logan
  its sad to see two friends no longer get along and the intense Glen Beck Alex Jones feud is so sanguine. There is only one way tis will end up as the heat between these tow incredible media monster mouths has brutally and drastically increased to the melting point. Alex Jones called Glen beck a psycopathetic and synthetic cut leader who was put into place by executives to rip off both Alex Jones and OprahWinfrey. Glen Beck and Alex Jones often mock each other and spend countless quality air-time talking about one another through their programming. Both are green and jealous of one another whenever the other one gets more news posts on a search and undoubtedly each wakes up every morning and does a search on the other.  This feud would of been settled only in one way back in the old days that these two nimrods and morons wish they could singlehandedly bring back tis country. Glen Beck has returned calling Jones a retard and a fascist saying a real network would never ever put tis guy on the airwaves. Only crazy people follow Alex Jones and at least beck was actually employed through a mainstream news outlet.  they are two of the most prominent faces of paranoid, conspiratorial thinking in the conservative media  But, according to Jones, their similarities are no accident because Beck is an actor who was trained to present himself as a “mixture of Oprah Winfrey and Alex Jones.”  Perhaps Alex Jones didn't see the relevancy of him admitting tis nutball was actually a mixture of the insanity that Alex Jones aspires through his videos and one can only hope Alex Jones is himself a paid actor. If Alex Jones is actually ten percent of what he portray himself on TV then the guy needs a straightjacket, a rowboat, a lake, a slight breeze, and finally  a push into the water after somebody drills a hole into the middle section of the boat. Glen Beck and Alex Jones need to settle this one way and just get it over with in a duel to the death but being that these two guys are both bullshitters and pussies this has about as much of a chance occurring than a Beck/Jones ticket for presidency for the Green party in 2020.

Arthur Herman describes why Britain even had an empire

Whitaker Marshal
   Author Arthur Herman enjoys writing about England and his best sea-faring book on Great Britain and its empire is called "To Rule The Waves" and he basically covers in this reading how the British navy was the most powerful of the world and is the reason it had such a long lasting empire. The British Navy shaped the modern world and ushered in an incredible world of trade and globalization which we continue to feel the affects to this day. Herman covers all the great British sea captains from nelson to Cook to Drake and Hawkins.
 He even gets a little Captain Kidd and other infamous masters of a sea for a time. The English destruction of the Dutch fleets through their various wars was perhaps the most crucial moment of the British navy in maintaining their superiority for so long.  This book is chalk full of information of the British navy and empire supceded its rivals and eventfully overtook Spain and prevented the French empire from surpassing it. Herman does a incredible job setting the stage to the eventual Spanish failed invasion of England in 1588 and the ultimate British Navy victory over Napoleon's navy at the battle of  Trafalgar in 1805 which affirmed British master of Europe and all the worlds waters. The importance of the Navy does not go overlooked and is the theme of Herman's writing as it allowed important trade and profits to accumulate through the generations trade was more about keeping the British Empire in firm control and open access to the seas was eventually a goal of the British Empire. This empire also benefited from slavery and cheap labor and eventually its leaders looked inward for their success and decided cheap labor more than chattel slavery was a path they decided the world needed and needed for future generations to look more favorably upon. The small nation of Great Britain was lucky to have been a power in an area of Europe that had more promising upstarts and kingdoms developing and only its access to strong shipbuilding material and superior commanders allowed the British to be masters for so long. the British navy would lose its power and eventually follow on down the same path as Captain Kidd as the United States following the World Wars would become the sea police man of the world.

Dimitri Diamond is added to Blog a Beast roster

Jordon Morgan
A huge contract has been offered and accepted by social critic and renowned writer Dimitri Diamond. The contract is in the area of about fifteen million dollars for some three years of incredible research and writing of Mr Diamond brings to the table of politics and international intrigue. He helped break many cases that you never heard of from the Guatemala papers to leaks on Kazakhstan corruption in Fresno, California water management and so forth. Dimitri Diamond once wrote for Forbes magazine until they got around to realizing they were hacked and deleted his postings detailing how Forbes and other business magazines practically offer their space to the highest bidders with an entrepreneur  story to promote.
 The Left shark and Right Bull looks forward to the contributions that a Dimitri Diamond can bring about with the casino culture of the United states and how basically foreigners help bring about casino mass construction on a national basis and tremendous corruption on a local focus. We also look forward to his critiques on the Jewish state and the money influence it has held on American politicians who have equally as much loyalty to Israel than the individual states and citizens which elected them.

Shinzo Abe and Okinawans see dangers of Black military presence

Eric Ericson
  Thanks to the continuing American illegal presence on the island of Okinawaa Japanese society can see the dangers that white American women have faced for generations by Black males. A Black American contractor named Kenneth Gadesen brutally raped and murdered a woman by the name of Rina Sumbukuru after she went out for a walk last month and tis is just one of many sex crimes the black military members have wrecked on this island for a number of years and way the people want the American military out. president Obam basically lied when he said tis crime was "inexcusable' and said the United states is doing everything it can to prevent these crimes from taking place. As long as you import Black Americans of military age into any region these crimes will and do take place because of the mindset this race has and one only needs to see how rape is used as a too in Africa to see evidence that tis race is much more open and prone to committing sexual barbaric  cave man acts against women. The rest of the world just needs to face the fact that black people hate all other people and feel vindicated to commit these acts because of how they were human chattle and slaves through the ages.
Black males have committed all sorts of sexual attacks against non-black women through the ages and hatred against them is pretty been justifiable for many through their intolerable actions against women folk. Abe Shinzo Abe  strongly expressed his indignation to Barack Obama against these Black military members who daily harass women on Okinawa and basically what Okinawans see is what America has seen since the dawn of the civil rights era have intensified a low level insurrection and racial hatred and warfare against White people.
The evil and bitterness this species feels for others like them often boils to the point that the men just go berserk on any slight or lust. you see the outrage against black crime in Okinawa is a result of a people who feel pride and worry about their people unlike White Americans who long ago have sacrificed so many of their daughters in the name of diversity. Okinawans have none of this guilt for the black man and basically see these crimes for what they are and racial terror and supremacy by a uncontrollable race of trouble makers, haters, and sexual criminals. I am glad to see massive protest against sexual crimes committed by American serve=ice members most of which are committed by this one minority group within the American military. Unlike Americans the Japanese have decreed these sex crimes as unacceptable and need to keep pushing for a need to remove this 50,000 man occupying force with the potential of killing so many more young women