Max Keiser has some nervous dweeb Andy on his show and the great bald Jim Rickards

Herbert Gilbert
  Andy Johnson of thought he was just coming on some normal news program to quickly promote his company and its purpose in fighting encryption when he agreed to appear on the RT networks Keiser Report in London. he didn't think he would give any political voice or opinion when the eccentric Mr Max Keiser started to bring up politics and the growing threat for our freedoms in order to protect the property rights of Hollywood and music content. Andy Johnson appeared nervous and was sweating heavy knowing little about how Hollywood is actually threatening to put people in jail and have tax-payers support them for ten years if some guy downloads one copyrighted film or shares it with a friend. The growing autocratic nature of the kleptocrats in movies, TV, and music over copyright infringements  is perhaps the scariest thing and threat to our basic liberties and freedom whether its the Kate Perry's and Billy Corgans's of the world wanting to see people locked up for selling their music and stuffed shark toys to the bigshot movie producers so worried about pirate material taking some of their profit away that they want to send individuals to a new gulag system in Alaska,Siberia, or Iceland. Johnson had no fucking opinion of Hollywood's growing influence with government to call the shots and threaten the basic rights and ownership of peoples material and how they wish to use or share content with friends. Hollywood is so greedy and wants more and more they will start arresting people if you borrow a copy of season 4 DVD of something like the Wire to your friend. This industry has always been full of fiends who in order to keep their lifestyle so outrageous and selfishly high compared to others they want an increase to the industrial prison system. As Max Keiser pointed out to Andy Johnson this is complete sickness and again Johnson didn't want to offend any potential future clients and kept his mouth shut just like a good old Easy Andy.
  On the next days program Max had the bald I'm Rickards o his program. Jim again was touting gold as an investment and blamed inflationary reasoning for the huge increase of gold prices and why it is a sound investment laying blame to government printing as the root cause. I is not the gold and bonds salesmen like Jim Rickards pushing up glittering rocks as some sort of money that in history has historically been difficult to store and easy to steal and is why government in fact needs to buy it up and prevent it from being in the market as currency to begin with. After the interview Jim and Mx shook hands on another successful interviewing trying to discredit money and push the need for people to invest in this rock.

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