Glen Beck's book fails to look at Euopean colonialism and econoic control of Islamic lands in new hate book

Ali  Muhammad

  glen beck wrote this islamophobia book called "It Is About Islam" where throughout the whole book he looks at the worse aspects on Islam and makes generalization about a whole religion. Glen Beck has made a career out of assertions and this book and his interpretation that all Muslims want to live under Sharia is a lot like saying that all Christians want to live in a country with Christian holidays. beck doesn't mention that much of terrorism seen in the Islamic world is in response to state sanctioned oppressive regimes seeking to keep people down in order to prop up elite families of total societal and economic control. Muslims should wan to live under Islamic control than as say French or British colonial foreign control which often put the masses in dire poverty where as colonial advocates stole land and made incomes from resources outside Europe. glen beck often ignores how the west propped up these radical secular regimes that often waged more war on the peasant underclass that often were religious more fervently that colonial settlers in places such as Egypt and Algeria. glen beck writes this Christian nationalist book to sophisticate fear and loathing against a religion and clearly had Islam not existed this guy would be finding passages and writing an anti-Catholic book. beck refuses to deliver a fair and accurate picture how European tyranny and tolititarism lead to increase beliefs for Wahhabism from a people evidently exposed to numerous examples how their religion and way of life was constantly under attack from meddling European powers. the meddling continues to this day with men like Glen beck looking to profit from the same fear and hatred that French forces two hundred years ago wanted to use as an excuse for incursions into the rich lands and possessions of the Islamic world. glen beck has found a very easy and practical way to profit in much of the same ways as a Napoleon of  Winston Churchill from exploiting fear and hatred against the religion of Islam. islam hates the west because a long-time ago it installed a neo-liberal capitalist order playing up to a few large cronies of families and giving them total control to manage foreign assets in the country. One could imagine if colonialism was the other way around and Christians lived under centuries Muslim foreign colonialism on Europe you would have a book out called "it Is About Catholicism" written by some dude named Juhair Muzwon in Pakistan talking about Christian terrorism.

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