Lonnie Yeager
A book called '1960" covers the sixties presidential election and the ins and outs of this crucial election cycle for the United States of America. Author David Pietrusza does this primarily looking at three politicians and former presidents and their roles in tis important race for the nation at a defining new era and time. This campaign looms larger than life when compared to others in American history and Mr. Pietrusza pretty much shows how Joseph Kennedy's money and influence with delegate helped propel his son into a position the elder Mr Kennedy could never attain despite his wealth. All the political rivalries are examined and the selection process of John F Kennedy's decision to make a Southerner Lyndon Johnson as vice-president was the culmination of the democratic battle in the primaries.

As with Bernie sanders in 2016, the vast majority of progressives wanted Hubert H Humphrey as their man and when big money daddy's boy John F Kennedy won the nomination many people were disappointed. one comes across reading this book that the election primaries and the votes from the public have little to do with the eventual nominee but instead the delegates form the individual states make deals for themselves in order for a politician running for president tog et their backing in the primary.

This book shows how eventually both Nixon and Kennedy had to campaign just as hard for the backing of the nobility whether it was Eleanor Roosevelt or Nelson Rockefeller as hard as they had to campaign for individual voters in their travels across the country. Other huge names in politics and those that would become huge names are discussed in their political back dealing and appeasement form Ronald Reagan ,Barry Goldwater, Harry Truman, Adlai Stevenson, and even frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr proved influential. The self-destructive habit of John Kennedy lining up craigslist whores for daily rendezvous is examined in this book and how Kennedy got away with these actions while in the midst of a campaign is unbelievable. it seems that the desire for a catholic president and a youthful look over-looked much what was wrong with Jack Kennedy and the worse president of the United States of America

that somehow to this day gets it out that this clown was one of our best. Pietrusza is one of the best political campaign historians out there and his book catches the campaign and informs the reader at best what it is like. he ends this book covering the four debates and how they were instrumental in getting this rich kid elected into the White House as the most undeserving person ever to become a world leader and John Kennedy should of always and would of been a rural backwater Massachusetts joke if not for the money and drive of his father who wanted to see a Kennedy and the name into historical records as leader of America
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