Cecil Brewster
Scott Huber is a bum and has always been a bum and always will be a bum. The Naperville pest has battles the prestigious Chicago suburb about his rights to set up tent and squat wherever he felt and was pleased and the city of Naperville had to rewrite some village ordinances in 2009 to get this pest out of downtown Naperville. Mr. Huber had to go a few blocks away and has squatted and annoyed people in Naperville for almost another decade often being seen buming around the library and getting a free lace to shit his ass.

Scott Huber is a pest always has been a pest in life and always will be and the other other day some citizen...patriot in Naperville had enough of this muppet-headed jackass loitering around this luxury suburb. Scott Huber had his tent burned to the ground and most likely the bum didn't have any insurance for his stuff and is quite literally out ..on the streets as he is so use. police were investigating whether this was an across attack or if Huber was lighting up some hot stove and cooking his grits and beans for his daily supper.

Nearly all of Huber's meager possessions were consumed by the flames. They included food, clothing, a small computer, solar charging panels for the computer and his cell phone, and numerous discs on which he said he had stored nearly all of the data he amassed over the years during his battles with the city. Scott Huber claims to be a social activist but what he is really is a public nuisance who gives legitimate homeless people a bad name with his activities and annoyance targeting Naperville, Illinois for some reason as his brain is convinced that the city did him wrong. This is a nutty human being and people in Naperville need to be really alarmed that one day he can get a hold of a gun and take further complications on this town he has long harassed.

Huber and a police officer at one point began shouting at one another, after Huber tried to retrieve some of his discs, which the officer maintained were ruined. Huber ultimately shuffled away with two sets of badly-charred discs.
"My life's work on my protest was on those discs," Huber said. He angrily insisted at least some of the other data might have been salvaged had police allowed him to do so. How much porn lost by this creep will never be known.
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