Dr Joy Browne and her realities to life expectation fantasies are her joke

Lonnie Yeager
  Dr Joy Browne has been named by talkers magazine as one of the top twenty radio hosts in America. This woman thinks she is the smartest person in the world and has written numerous books with her self0-help advice and work through the years. I personally never heard of "Doctor' Joy Browne but see in her work the usual big mouth I know everything that basically is what all these bullshit advice columnists are all about. we are thinking of hiring a dude to do one of these advice columns here but have often noticed that only women are foolish enough to read, write, and actually follow the advice of someone because the person is a syndicated columnist and doesn't know shit from shinola. Joy Browne will give practical advice to the women with husbands and dilemmas of leaving the man they love because she refuses sex and yells and Junior . She wrote a best selling book called "The Nine Fantasies That Will Ruin Your Life" and as I read the book I really don't know what the hell I am  reading. Browne somehow tries to give realities to everyday romance and relationship ideas by dispelling fantasies as the main diagnose of her evaluations and advice to her nine million fans. All she does though is give one person a stake and solutions to mostly confused desperate people on problems that are more complex than a couple of paragraph responses from a so-called Dr expert. This is the issue that we here at the Center Bear find trivial and just plain goofy.  joy is old man and looks like she has had a mountain of resurfaced work done on her face and admitting the money she makes through her radio,print, and other media exposures has given her the ability to look sixty years old instead of the seventy years of age she most likely must be near. Dr Joy wants to shoot down your expectations and fantasies on love and relationships. There is  nothing I hate more than a waste of radio waves and paper and the idea of Dr Joy Browne being one of the top twenty all time best radio hosts is about as absurd as importing moon rock to meet the economic challenges of maintaining and fixing are road structures as a nation.

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