Whitaker Marshal III
The Orlando shooting and Brexit vote are intrinsically linked as columnist Georgia Anne Geyer wrote recently in a published national article. the open borders mentality of the globalists brings people with wide diverse and polar beliefs into the same areas and the British people no longer wish to have refuges with their out-dated hatreds and beliefs into their country. The only reason the Mateens were allowed to leave Afghanistan and have little bastard Omar born in America and claim to be an American is because his family had greenbacks.

One only needs to look at the kindness and friendly relations within Islam between Shiite and Sunni to realize that bringing Muslims into areas with heavy gay presence is a recipe for disaster. Omar Mateen couldn't believe Orlando was not like his family's native Afghan village. Gays and Lesbians have faced this religious hatred and harassment in Britain from day one that Pakistanis were imported into the country and the realization that basically refugees or the children of refugees like omar Mateen couldn't be assimilated easily was enough for the British people.

Omar Mateen's mental instability was created by a family tribal islamo-fascist upbringing that family upbringing and then being put in the real world and witnessing so many happy people free of the copious lies and hatred of the Koranic cult. the idea that this guy wore a uniform and was security shows the insanity of Americas immigration and refugee programs taking in these wild people into this country despite the evidence everyting about their culture is against the values we represent. Omar Mateen was a brown muslim faggot angry that the brown Latino homos dancing and arousing him in Pulse nightclub didnt have same shame and strict parenting authertarian upbringing from someone like his father The fact that government would be so corrupt to bring potential harm and evils for its citizens by importing these bigots into their land was too much for the British people and Georgie Anne geyer is not the first to notice this resistance.

The liberal press though will turn it around and accuse the British of being bigots not wanting a peoples who have shown their intolerance for diversity for 1300 hundred years by eliminating non-Islamic minorities through the ages. Geyer says that in the Brussels headquarters the main goal is the movement of peoples and the elimination of borders and this will somehow make wars more improbable because of the ties. The problem though is that this will attempt to bring the chaos the rest of the world sees into Europe and this is the really evils of the E.U establishment and their ideas and why it has been resisted and soon France, Italy, Spain and other countries will vote and have to get rid of this nightmare scenario. the Muslim world has a ever-lasting hatred for Jews and Christians and anything related to our more free cultures going back to the conquests of the crusades to Portugal taking over Muslim ports in India. These actions have forever instilled a hatred of Christians by Muslims that can never be erased or forgiven.the last thing great Britain needs with the easy availability of guns is thousands more powder kegs like Omar Mateen imported into London given the thousands of already intolerant racist and homophobic Pakistani and Muslim backwards bastards already living in poverty in cities like Birmingham and Rotherham

Muslims and their conservative supremacist murderous beliefs have absolutely no place in the West. the day we allow fucks from lands named stans is the day these loserstans allow free access and gay bars and parades and until they do no man from these islamistans should ever be allowed to migrate to America,France,Canada,England, and Estonia.
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