Cody Maloney
Barack Obama and his victimhood presidency has fueled both radical Islam and Black supremacists to commit all sorts of atrocities and acts against American people on these shores. Sheriff David Clarke has said there is concentrations of ISIS and Black Lives matter terrorist structures in America and the slaughter of Dallas cps from a cowardly sniper is just the beginning individual acts from insane parts of our population that have been brainwashed by the Russian propaganda to create divisiveness in America.

The Milwaukee County sheriff was one of the first brave leaders to call out the liberal establishment for creating hatred n the minority community for police and basically help start the mood for armed insurrection which would only push this country more into an authoritarian nature. You have other imbecile leaders helping to fuel these attacks against the police such as the imbecile Governor of Minnesota mark Dayton whose comments about the shooting of the robbery suspect in falcon Heights would be alive if White basically lead to this tragedy against our police force in Dallas. Mark Dayton should be forced out of office for this comment and put in prison for agitating an attack against this country. Minnesota should have better leaders such as mr Clarke..hell they would be better off with Jesse Ventura again than this moron

Sheriff David Clarke is on the front lines of crime and the dangers on the ground from these easily persuadable and disgruntled communities, The asshole Mark Dayton is in a gated community only in front of cameras trying his best to instate a state of malicious intent for Black people to attack Whites and police. A leader like Mark Dayton is treacherous and he needs to be taken out of office recalled as ASAP.

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