Money Speak
Tony Miselli
Jill Schlesinger and other banking class advocates were shocked. The business writer says economists ,traders, and bankers were unprepared by the Brexit vote by the English people who noticed that their country was being over-taken y a massive for profit fraudulent economic international force that was trying to undermine their culture and distinct identity. England is not America and seeing their city and smaller towns with foreign storefronts was startling and lead to a massive movement to get out of this arrangement that would only promise to totally erase all aspects and history of English culture.

England will prosper much as Switzerland has shown that life outside the EU can be easily achieved and the question Jill Schlesinger should be asking is why wasn't this done earlier. many other countries long seen their countries degraded and the forced economic warfare the Euro has brought upon the working class are now deciding the dates and times for their own national referendums and ability to set their reset national sovereignty fro the forces that would deluged it with cheap labor and a takeover of the wage sets in these countries. Jill comes on with her radio program and thinks she knows Europe and money from around the world and even a country that retained their currency instead of adopting the Euro knew that this union was set up not for the best interests of the British people but for the people who are best able to exploit a system and enriched themselves through the decline of their neighbors and fellow citizens. Jill Schlesinger should know is that what makes Europe great is that it isn't India or Pakistan and it is made up of many people with a unique culture second to none.

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