Ed West
Liberal radio talk show host Stephanie Miller didn't want to go on the air shortly after the police shooting. Stephane Miler is an idiot on the air-waves who often tried to talk up the lie that police are just out there looking to shoot and slaughter Black men at every chance and eventually her evil twisted propaganda influenced somebody in Dallas. Stephanie Miller faces a barrage of calls from conservatives in the first hour of her program and she utterly refused any free speech or discussion by these callers equating liberal propaganda and Black supremacy for the massacre and attack of policemen in Dallas.

The Dallas police force got a wake up call to all the sensitivity training they have included into their officer development and training programs. Blacks basically want to run their own affairs in their nasty neighborhoods where blocks of blocks of criminal activity and self0segragating tactics have concluded a culture of fear and avoidance for decades. All this talk of no-go zone in Europe in talk of Muslim migration made those aware in America that this nation has always had no-go zones as well for many Americans knowing basic dangers and hatred of Black folks was well established and known by generations of white folk and immigrants yet liberals in the media seemed to turn the table and blame White racism. even white liberals like Stephanie Miller know what areas to avoid and most in particular will have been Black and brown areas of cities. Stephanie Miller hung up on callers even when they presented facts and that much more

White people are killed by Police in this country than Black males and presenting opposing viewpoints and the development of why black lives matter and their presentation of the narrative of police dealing with the black community is more dangerous than allowing every ISIS members to settle in Delaware. Black sniper terror has been a constant fear and fact against white people ever since the civil rights era and the racial revenge focusing of black people in this country and their total disrespect for anything they resemble as white authority. This racial animosity and hatred has been exploited by the white liberal urban classes with loyalties to global ties and other countries than to this nation. A spat of Black sniper attacks was seen across America following the Dallas shooting including in Bristol, Tennessee where Lakeem Keon Scott killed one woman in a random shooting spree where the media was eerily silent about and again he was bothered by all these facebook and twitter postings about a couple of police shootings against individuals who were black, armed, and resisted police orders. the blood of the last few weeks can be as clearly blamed at Liberal radio hosts like Miler and Thom Hartmann as they can be at black supremacists upset at police not allowing themselves to be gunned down by Black suspects. Stephanie Miller said little about the death of Jennifer Rooney, the one victim of this crazed gun Black racist and Black Lives terrorist who killed this woman and perhaps if Jennifer was a young sexy lesbian liberal a Stephanie miller would of more took a keen and sad interest in this Tennesee massacre following the dallas police shooting.

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