Dave Berkson
My most hated political professor rarely talked Turkish politics back in the day in his classes on id East politics at Central Illinois University. The wicked Dr Jamal Nassar often just talked about the Palestinian issue and how real was the modern day Nazi Germany and the propaganda of professors and folks at our nations universities such as Dr Nassar have hurt Israel's position in the eyes of many Americans. instead of celebrating the success of the one European civilization of democratic principles many people want to bash the state created as a homeland for Jewish people who were nearly annihilated by the same evil forces and hatred during World War II that is shared by so many of Arab descent.

These people like Dr Nassar basically use this Palestinian issue to promote hatred for the Jew. Dr Nassar also hated the Turkish state for working with America and NATO and he would be pleased today with the direction of the country with their Islamic radical dictator whose very existence threatens the long secular gains of this land in the past century .

In fact, as a Christian Palestinians under the directions of Muslims Dr Nassar would of been a major supporter of Recep Erdogan and I can clearly see what he would say in a class about the recent Turkish plot to overthrow him and the failed coup attempt to restore Turkish sovereignty away from the growing dictatorial powers for one man. Jamal would say this coup was orchestrated by both France and the United States because they were getting ore worried about the growing power of Islam as a force in Turkey. He would say the United states has always got its way having Turkey as a puppet and this opportunity was too much for them to pass up in replacing Mr Erdogan. Dr Nassar would be a big supporter of Erdogan for having an alternative vision for the Middle east and being more aligned with the terrorist structure of the region who can use the peoples willingness to sacrifice themselves to kill and main others as some sort of political weapon to be used for the elites and establishment of the fascists who use religion to maintain their prestige and power.

The leftists ruling academia fail to see that their fellow leftists are being purged by men such as Recep Erdogan who wants to bring a new right-wing islamofacist state into being on Europe's border and sees this establishment and himself as head as a major pawn on the board in dealing with European political world
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