Jacoby Genovese
The punk Scott Horton had Anthony walker on his podcast talking about Afghanistan and Yemen and how The CIA and America's brutal program by fighting and displacing the brutal sharia forces of the Taliban are responsible for Afghanistan being a messed up place. These two countries have been messed up since the founding of Islam and this religion more than US policy is what is responsible for the fucked up nature of these two twin societies. Anthony Walker is some disgruntled former psychologist and soldier in the American army and atypical of the guests the punk will have often on his anti-war podcasts.

Scott Horton sees the world in an anti-American angle and in reality if he was really against war he would talk about the infighting caused by dozens or warlords and militias in these countries that would be fighting regardless of American military might overextending in this region. This Afghanistan is an illiterate country of banana stand operators who are among the most dangerous and extreme nature one will find in todays medieval Islamic caliphate world. Scot Horton should realize that his figment that America is to blame for the woes in Yemen and Afghanistan is foolhardy and just plain goofy. Scott Horton is a punk and a hick and likely would be given to the lash and a really tight neck shave if he ever thought of expanding his programs of critique in the banana lands and Khat chewer in these regions.

Horton is a dull individual who tried to distort international news and make America look like the enemy when in reality radical Islam and these war-prone and tribal hatred areas are basically a antiquated form of humans who need to be side-swiped for the better of the planet. These are assholes who wiped out thousands of years old Buddha carvings in mountains once they gained power and their agenda of wiping out everyone who don't resemble themselves is a fight worth fighting and spending and this is something the punk Scott Horton would never acknowledge or admit. These Afghanis and Arabian peninsula freaks will be fighting for the important locations an key spots to protect their banana stand operations and their libertarian freedoms to chew Khat, read the Koran, smoke hash, and dream about the pussy hidden behind those burkas.

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