Duke University professor Michael Munger is a libertarian radical and proud of it with his various YouTube channels. he is also a advocate for private industry and only having the private industry and the monopolists with complete power in society to dolly ut onto civil society. Munger's take on its not government role to provide jobs is a useless tirade which counts on the private industry to provide all the jobs to Americans and not Chinese. As we have seen in the private industry, the allocation of profit over country is a modern ethos if this and is where government steps in or many and yes this includes providing jobs at times.
You see Munger is an advocate where the private industry can create and destroy jobs and thus can create and destroy regions which politically do not cow two the wishes of the big businessmen. You see Michael Munger likes the bigger and wealthier of the businessman but when it comes to big government then this little North Carolinian shrieks like a tabby cat on empty stomach in the morning. Michael Munger is one of our favorite professors for is bullshit and his love of libertarian Ayn rand worshipping cult of rich people needing a philosophy to justify their evil and control over so many. Government is a barrier to reaching back to the days of a feudal society and the days where children were mechanized instead of getting an education and I believe my friends the libertarians like Michael Munger want to see a return to these days. As recent decades have proven you cannot rely on private industry to provide jobs for places where cheap labor doesn't dominate and this is the fundamental problem with capitalism and why a honest government is needed to tax and regulate these companies from being patriotic and serving the need of the people and not just board members and those with massive holdings in stocks.

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