Andy Cruz
Neil Irwin and Jim Tankersley were on Tom Ashbrook's Boston NPR broadcast talking about Donald trumps speech and how his plans for bringing jobs back to America are fantasy. Jim Tankersley who writes for the Washington Post says these manufacturing jobs are not coming back and that we should only focus on high-tech manufacturing in America which essentially means jobs for robots and not humans.

The thinking g of these two idiots is precisely why we have outsourced so many jobs to China enabling these American companies put profit over people and government. The likes of a Neil Irwin who is a senior economics correspondent for the new York times is what helped create places like Detroit and Cleveland in America to have their economies hollowed out nd collapsed do rich people can put money to better use and advocate for global trade. they can put up their stooges to have a voice and such examples are a Neil Irwin and Jim Tankersley whose contempt for Donald Trump and the working class could be heard on this broadcast at

these guys are supportive of the establishment that Hillary Clinton represents that has benefitted manufacturing centers around the world through the demise of Americas ability to export products and empty the people in north America that now stand at well over three hundred million workers. these guys don't want the American people working and improving their conditions because they would be able to set up alternative news and media outlets that represent another view than the pro-business and profit-only motivation for consumer product and sell. these idiots are also likely in the shell and pockets of global oil which relies on trade to use their product in moving things around as well as they do and the notion of making a product in one country and shipping it three thousand miles to another location has proven disastrous to people and the environment in so many ways and needs to be abolished

You see the political class could bring many jobs back despite what the paid talking pieces like these two snobs would say--who have a profession in the media protected and funded by the corporatists. They just don't want the jobs to come back because they can set up shop overseas and then use extra money to influence and monetarily gain through the corrupt governments of these other lands. A nation is not a nation without its own manufacturing base and these two useless idiots may have forgotten the reason we won world war Ii and had tremendous growth following the war was because this country did make and ship product. deep down these schmuks know that a finance and service industry economy just works to increase inequality and this is and has been the goal of the two party illusion democracy base in America and why many truly feel Donald Trump is a threat.
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