Andy Cruz
A huge Islamist celebration of the failed attempt of the military in Turkey from retaking their country from Sharia law saw millions of Muslims take to the streets. The followers of Recep Tayipp Erdogan will step up the process of brutality against those secularists in Turkey fighting from their country being turned into an Ayatollah state like Iran.

This massive flag-waving rally was eerily similar to the Swastika rallies of Nazi Germany and make no mistake the resurgence of the Ottoman Empire in a more Islamic version this time around does not bode well for Western democracies and culture. Erdogan is embolden and his rise will likely rise donations into Egypt and other countries into getting a society changed into bein a more religiously conservative and extreme place for those who don't want to have to live a life reciting the Koran.

Erdogan often compares himself to Turkey's founding father Mustaf Kemel Ataturk but in reality Recep Tayipp is the complete polar opposite of the secular hero who helped bring about reform in Turkey and made it a more modern state. The pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party wasn't invited and is likely to face more repression in this coming Islamic one party state Erdogan wishes to establish for Turkey. the fanatical approach and repressive crackdowns Erdogan has committed against his political enemies is amazing and similar to the repressive crackdown the NAZIS did after the Reichstag building burned in Berlin. Eighteen thousand people have basically been detained and have practically disappeared by the forces of Erdogan and many women who do not wear the veil run the risk of abduction. Eurpoean groups have been shocked by the crackdown by what was essentially a moderate state that has now been taken over completely by a madman

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