Oscar Orton
Our favorite liberal speaker droopy-faced Chris Hedges interviewed the great professor Richard Wolff recently on hedges RT Russian program called On Contact. Richard Wolff talked about a variety of economic issues and how the Italian banks and their debt and unpaid loans are coming home to roost.

The Italian community have achieved major gains around the world through use of their central banks to move about the neo-liberal world and opening up these expensive pasta restaurants and cafes all over North America and other European nations. the fact that these investors were playing with funny money was besides the point and Richard Wolff. The crisis in capitalism and the austere values and conditions set by the billionaire class to the masses of workers. the resistance to the goals of the globalists who want to erase the publics notion of nationality and ethnicity was seen in the Brexit vote as the people of the British isles realized their actual existence as a people and national sovereignty was at stake. The failures of capitalism and government to take care of anyone outside the wealthy class is an other reason this pushback was needed as Wolff told Hedges and the world wills see more turmoil against the abuses and control of the capitalist fascist system.

Wolff and hedges spoke about th current socialist state in France and how the government is now working with big business to roll back the incredible and amazing gains that labor had achieved in France through the years following ord war II. hedges again seemed only to be concerned that capitalism and its failures would give rise to nationalist right-wing rhetoric instead of the further repression and greed of the principles of the business wealth hoarders are seeking to continue. Immigration into Western countries is a convenient land grab and ownership opportunities for globalist capitalists and this is the reason they seek to have people migrate out of their countries. The global jet class doesn't care where the poor live and what countries they migrate to as just they get out of the way from areas where valuable resources have been detected underground and mining extractors can gain profits from digging. Wolff likes to recite how the political parties had their conventions in cities with ritzy downtowns but massive poverty blocks away that stretches for miles out and around--much like European cities are seeing today. Capitalism has always been like this and the reason American cities such as Cleveland and Philadelphia had massive immigration of European poor and growth was because of these conditions which continue to this day.
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