Ramon Ramos
Christopher Hitchens is one of the most brilliant secular writers and journalists of our time. he has written many books through his seller career and is one of the more proficient writers able to emphasize the exigency of increasing religious fundamentalism creeping in governments and society around the world. His book called "God Is Not Great" pretty much cover the major fault lines Hitchens has observed of the role of religion in power structure throughout history and how this institution has caused so much oppression and justified through the ages.

Hitchens writes his debates with religious authorities and experts and how he answers the jackass Dennis Prager's assertion of whether Hitchens would feel safer knowing a large group of men coming towards his direction were coming from a prayer meeting. Hitchens gave the bozo Prager his B cities answer in talking about his global travels to Bombay, Belgrade, Bethlehem, Baghdad, Beirut, and Belfast and basically pointing out you can be in religious areas and around religious folks and actually be more in danger and see more strife. Hopefully one can conclude where Hitchens is now that this charade and bullshit of religious difference no longer exists and can only hope this great spirit and humanitarian of the brain and thought is continuing to write and inform the dunder heads wherever they may be in the ever after.
Christopher Hitchens still kicks ass and a Dennis Prager couldn't hold Hitchens's cigarette. Hitchens actually examines the books and calls out the bullshit brain drones like Dennis Prager will never understand as he is bought and paid for by the institution of religion.

Hitchens explains to the reader his own intellectual journey from religion into a secular belief and the real reason and why the idea of organized religion spread into mass cult following. Religion has always been about the suppose new plague we have been fighting for two or three decades. religion has always been terrorism and not the love it claims to be all about and the power of the major religions of today is the story of their survival and defeating those other religious beliefs or people who would question their authority to lead and rule. religion has always been vehicle for the rural backwater nomads and rural folks from having something against the enemies of success in urban centers throughout history and around the world. From Baghdad to
Tenochtitlan history has shown over and over again this process. Hitchens talks about the evil in both the New and Old testament and that people can't even find peace through eastern philosophy and religion as well. the totalitarian aspect of religion is often ignored by the religious often repeating the line of Communists and the far left being totalitarian and being that way because they don't have religion and faith in their lives. Hitchens is always concerned by the indoctrination of religion and how it gives a erratic voice to men like Dennis Prager to feel and try to act more powerful than he could ever accomplish without the superstitious of religion often forced upon people at an early age
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