Wall Street Joural writer Bob Davis a big old mouthpeice for the super wealthy free-traders

Neil Knight
  Bob Davis is a Wall street Journal writer and big proponent for China and continuing global trade that only benefits this country. Davis is continuing to bash Trump and his economic plan and says the tariffs would cost so many jobs in America as Mexico and China would enact their own tariffs on American consumer goods. Davis mentioned in a recent article where most of the jobs lost would be in los Angeles and Cook County of Illinois as these tow regions have the biggest illegal alien  and immigrant population. I n a sense one can say these were really never American jobs to begin with as the number of workers from other countries in these two counties in Illinois and California is staggering.Image result for bob davis wall street journal Davis mentions how the Peterson Institute think tank and pro business and free trade group ran a computer model and supposedly shows the economic impact of a Donald Trump's tariff plans. Writer Bob Davis and others are for the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership which would further reduce incomes for real workers and just be a financial bonanza for those further connected in the global trade scam and corruption of governments. Davis is an idiot and who cares if China doesn't buy American products when you will have Americans buying American products and should of had them buying American-made products all of these years. Without a manufacturing base you don't have a country or a nation and this is why the free-traders seek to destroy Americans capacity and ability to sell to itself and instead the fucks at the Wall street Journal want Americans to buy overseas and make foreigners wealthier. Screw that shit.  The Wall street Journal and jackass writers like Bob Davis are beholden to the financial reserves and monetary gains of the free-trade advocates of business.
Bob Davis is just a mouthpiece by the forces that want Chinese to be able to plant more Chop Suey cheap chicken shacks and have Arabs plant more gas stations and make Americans live and be reliant on sprawl burning hydrocarbons into the atmosphere at an even more alarming rate. Davis says that the loss of jobs in aircraft sales would be alarming and maybe this is a good thing having people manufacture a product that can easily be turned into a terrorist weapon and that burns and spread an insane amount of hydrocarbons into the thin atmosphere of the planet. it seems the globalist traders are fearful of the lost of their polluting industrial machine with a Trump presidency that would force the world to make some other choices and head into a new direction instead of the disastrous status quo that a Bob shitvis wants to continue as to protect the growing wealth of the super nova.

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