First American \Fried Chicken was nasty and trouble catering to unculinary and cheap thugs

Armando Arturo
   New York terrorist wanabee Ahmed Khan Rahami and his family owned a shitty ghetto chicken stand in Elizabeth, New Jersey that made some of the worse fried chicken East of the Hudson River. This was no Chinese Kitchen eatery but just about as bad being Afghani owned and run. This shithole ran into all sots of troube as the elder Mr Rahami ran this store and neighborhood into the ground often battling the village and ignoring demands he close up shop at eleven or twelve and not run the place for riff raff at all hours. First American Fried Chicken restaurantThe Rahami's accused the village and neighborhood of racism for giving them trouble and not allowing this shit chicken stand to be pen twenty four hour so the local meth heads and crack brains could have a place to loiter and cause trouble all night. if there was any racism it came from the Rahami's who insisted of ignoring village rules and laws to run a business because the Rahami's feel as Muslims they are above the law and Allah gave them rights to sell some fucking bad ass stinky chicken for the night owls. When I look at this Arab chicken shack I can only figure only a real cheap bastard not caring about the quality of chicken they ate and I think I would rather eat African cricket that Afghani chicken. This place was trouble for the community from day one as many scumbags and gang bangers and dope heads would hang there and hustle their dice games up to three in the morning.  I wonder if the Ramhani's even got their cheap ass tangy tasting chicken shit halel and blessed by a ayatollah or something because I noticed it said American fried Chicken and not blessed Islamic Fried chicken.I once ate here and had some chicken wings that were more bone than eat. it was disguting and I wondered if they had served left over scraps or something from a previous customer.
Image result for elizabeth chicken store bomber  First American Fried Chicken
 Actually one good thing I can say about this place is that it is old and unique and not a cookie cutter franchise. I love these old shack house food business and this place looks like it could fit right in my hometowns of Racine and Kenosha, Wisconsin. Immigrants have brought stability to some old business street front business and hopefully these places and small business eateries are not so tainted from actions such as this family's crazy son who made a trip to a Afghanistan banana stand and had some tainted chicken and bananas. The Rahami's First American fried Chicken will not be the next Kentucky fried Chicken global behemoth. Image result for elizabeth chicken store bomber  First American Fried Chicken

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