Is Freeman TV a conspiracy nut or clever internet dude?

Gino Frobel
   Freeman TV is some a hairy hipster or hippe dude who does all of these bizarre neurotic and eccentric videos on conspiracies. it is difficult to comprehend if thus guy actually believes the bullshit he produces out on the internet or if he is another jackass just trying to make a name for himself in the cyber world of the web but after watching a few episodes we are a fan. Freeman is always pushing DVD sales as there is n subscription plan for his vast library of crazed cougar thought of the world where one will find you'll find the latest info on the occult and sorcery in the government.Image result for freeman tv freeman studies corporate domination and monopolistic success through their use of freemason logos and so forth. His natural curiosity necessitated voracious studies of high weirdness and this is something  Freeman is not ashamed of going to all lengths to discover new avenues for his devoted fans to be paranoid. The amount of work he has researched on business has  led him to discover the hidden code behind corporate logos, the secret of ancient astronauts, while finding time to investigate HAARP and chemtrails. I love his episodes on chemtrails  and one can imagine this dude smoking some junk and watching the sky for hours wondering about how high these pilots are and why there is more smoke being produced up there than the one coming from what he is blowing on from ground zero. He is convinced that they are altering the atmosphere for this weird alliance of robots and reptilians which will bring about a New World Order and displace the earth of the bad primates who are threatening all other species in their quest for greed and profit of paper money. Image result for freeman tvLike Mark Dice old Freeman is all about illuminati symbolism and the transgressions of the elite sin pushing social change to meet their economic demands and alterations of various money supplies and netting cultural transformations through exopolitics and disorder which some  initiate demand and order from the secret societies control of government.  i would love to know the shit that freeman freebases in his basement when he is not recording an episode of this free will YouTube TV. Freeman TV and his channel are the bomb and the total wild shit this guy comes up is amazing and he is in the forefront of becoming the next big thing in media replacing both Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh as the king of hot air through a special expensive microphone and platform only made available through the increased reliance of the internet.

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