Katherine Cramer book on rural resentment in Wisconsin shows selfishness of small town communities

Jamie Logan
  Katherine Cramer can't believe that rural backwater and backwards people in Wisconsin can be so easily duped by the local republican party nd vote against their best interests. The hatred these inbreed bastards have for public employee union members who collectively battled for good jobs is revealed in a book called "the Politics Of Resentment" and basically Kathrine travels to the Northern Wisconsin North woods and finds out a lot of farmers and retirees are resentful that Madison and Milwaukee are cool towns the amount of resentment of these rural people against the government is amazing and Cramer shows how these simple people want things simple and want everyone else to live like the. Image result for katherine cramer wisconsin bookThe proof though is in their children feet and the fact that young people have to leave small towns in Wisconsin for greener pastures is evidence that these rural people have it backwards. The old people want no opportunity for the young and are resentful because there are young people and happening spots where investment concentrates making the are amore hospitable and thriving than say Eau Claire. the rural residents want their pudding and milk and want to drink it too. This same process of cities battling rural area is typical of what we are seeing in America and around the world as communities battle each other for dwindling resources and in this book cram points out things that affect these rural people and why they are so resentful.  Image result for katherine cramer wisconsin bookThey complain about gas prices because they choose to live in rural areas where they have to drive for most basic simple things and somehow the government should give these areas more money and start more wars stealing other peoples resources so cowboys can drive trucks instead of horses nowadays. Cramer sees how the rural folks are resentful that wealthier school districts can use property values to boost their budgets as their dwindeling student population they feel are deserving of huge football stadium construction as seen in Texas. This book is an entertaining read and a revelation on how the backward nature of Wisconsin right-wing hicks would allow a Scott Walker to be elected and attack unions. Basically rural people want to bring down the urban successful people down to their level because they are green with jealously. rural people see TV (that's all they do) and see the elegant lifestyles of city folk and how nothing on TV portrays their world. the last show that ever portrayed rural folks I think was Green acres and there is a reason for this. nobody cares to see people on TV who just sit around a diner all day and bitch and whine like the of rural ducks of America and the rest of the world to an extent.   Image result for scott walker on farmCramer travels throughout rural Wisconsin  and it is no accident that most of the groups she talks to who are resentful in the rural parts of Milwaukee are retirees and elderly people. Cramer talks to these old fogies in small diners and gets their concept on how they work harder than people in Madison who sit on a desk because they are in the trades and raise hogs to butcher. these property owners who inherited lands their ancestors stole are then resentful that the poor without forty acres and their mule are someway more likely in need of aid and not as self-sufficient than people with big barns and massive government subsidies in agriculture and the roads that few aside of their small populations are created for them. Image result for katherine cramer wisconsin book As far as rural consciousness goes any group of people who deny opportunities for their young people are all about low taxes for large estates is not really a group society need to spend or be consciousness about anymore.

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