Nicole Nguyen and Sam Sedar ignore dangers high School students face and need in constant security surveillance as Meghan Landowski murder shows

Bradly Austin
    Professor ..associate professor of education Nicole numen appeared on Sam Sedar's podcast to complain about the homeland security taking over a couple of high schools. Professor Nguyen then talked about her recent book bout the creeping curriculum of fear that is occurring in our nations high schools and how the alarming rate of higher police presence is schools has developed through the years. Both professor Nguyen and the liberal creep Sam Sedar, who hosts one of the leftist media platforms out there, complained and are perplexed by the increase of fear through the ranks of the educational system. Sedar and Nguyen apparently are not up to date on current events and how many students have been killed by their fellow classmates on campus. I personally think students should be taught more of the dangers of their fellow classmates and the world out there and one can find numerous cases of young students being killed and not aware of the dangers of some of their classmates. Sam Sedar and this liberal professor don't want it highlighted how your student is in danger with many of the crazed elements in society that share your kids classrooms. Image result for hi meghan landowski murderOne classic crime case in Virginia bears this out as a teenage White girl named Meghan Landowski was followed home by a Black male classmate who proceeded to stalk her, get her alone at home, and rape and stab her to death. More white American students need to be aware of the dangers and lucid mind of their classmates that the government wants to force integration in the schools and daily life and for Megan Landowski having a psychotic Black classmate named Robert Lee Barnes who thankfully was apprehended through great police work.
Image result for hi meghan landowski murder
This young Black demon was a serial killer in the making and one has to wonder how many other countless young white female lives would of been snuffed out by this bastard. So when a Sedar or Nguyen or other liberal complains about a culture of fear being enforced upon our youth they ignore the fact that there is much to be feared of with so many deranged descendants of slaves in this country and walking and roaming free on PCP.Image result for sam seder The blood of Meghan Landowski can be blamed on the academics, leftists, and integrationists long suppressing and ignoring the countless body parts and victims of White students for their Black peers and an in-depth culture of fear needs to be directed to young people to have them less naïve and more prepared for the potential hazards this sick country puts them in jeopardy opening the borders to all peoples and criminal minds and evil of the world and into their classrooms and school. Sedar and Nguyen want to portray a narrative that Black lives are in constant danger from police while the reality is that White Lives are in constant danger from the Blacks that the police are trying to patrol.
Image result for nicole nguyen professor university of illinois  

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