President Duterte is the son of a bitch and not Barack Obama

Big Ant
  Man the Flipino president Rodrigo Duterte spoke some shit bitching about president Obama. Mann he be acting like the tea party and digging into the heels barking like a mad dog cost this other fucker. Obama don't need to drill with this jackass who elected his ass anyway to be a world representative . Shit calling Barack Obama a son of a bitch in his native tongue. he come here in the hood and he be losing that tongue with his disrespect for our leader. President Duterte is a genocidal mass killa beating them dogs for slinging dope because no other opportunities exist for 60% of Philippines. Filipinos dog ..dig this are all over the world because their leaders so dam corrupt providing the people with  thriving economy comes after shit making sure their elites pets have no mo ticks. jog. This guy a bad mother fucker killing drug dealers without a trial and what comes around an go around.Image result for barack obama in philippines Does this jack ass think he can make a country devoid of illegal narcotics? Duterte was talking shit about how Obama better be not bringing up his massacring of souse drug dealers prior to a meeting in lousy Laos last week. After this big mouth fist-fucker called Barack Obama a son of bitch in Filipino terms president Obama promptly canceled the meeting with this jackass. Obama sent some of her worse and most-foul-mouthed aids to speak twitch da chump instead and lead him know they put the Philippines on the lowest terms. Image result for philippine president rodrigo duterte Since this guy has taken power in June the police and vigilantes have killed over two thousand people in this country without as much as a sign of a trail. The abuses of human-rights by this dog have been deplorable and folks from all around the globe be criticizing the leadership of this homie and demanding something be done to take this hot dog out and put it in the cooler. There are many other cool cats for Obama to see and he don't need to lower himself to see this son of a pig and bitch who should not be running a Pilipino version of a taqueria yet alone a country and the jacks in the Philippines need to be embarrassed to have a dog like this as their president.

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