Victoria Bateman is a shill for globalization and has been openly opposed to the UK leaving the EU. In an article for Bloomberg View earlier last month, she wrote: “The impact would be sizable.
"If the predicted fiscal deficit were to be corrected through welfare cuts alone, it would result in low-income households receiving between 1,861 pounds and 5,542 pounds less a year (in 2014 equivalent figures) by 2020, depending upon their personal circumstances. I don't think Victoria even knows what this means and basically this lecturer and professor is bought and aid for by the same Indo-Arab petro dollars money forces trying to colonize the former colonizer in their take-over bid of London. These left-wing pro-Islamic lecturer was so angered by the vote of Brexit and the British people saying no to foreign investment take overs through their use of corrupt capital
Victoria Bateman had written on her breasts and stomach ‘Brexit leaves Britain naked’.
The academic arrived at the faculty’s meeting last Wednesday where director of studies across all the university’s colleges as around 30 economists discussed teaching material and courses.
These few who benefit from innovation and the liberalization of movement of capital, trade and labor exchange are pretty much minimal for the upper classes and only help those needing to make the move to another country. This is hardly a sign of benevolence as basically the world peons are encouraged to migrate in order to make room for the resource extractor corporations. Likewise for the settled in the West those unable to afford the innovation surge zones and able to profit from real estate values in gentrified neighborhoods also see little improvement and again globalization benefits those already very economically sound privileged. 
this nutty professor and lecturer of Cambridge academia walked in naked at a meeting at the Faculty of Economics in protest against the results of the EU referendum. This woman is upset that the foreign lending cash cows might find it more difficult to move money and people into Great Britain as they were accustomed getting all their poor relatives over and on welfare to live off the backs of the British tax payers.
Victoria Bateman had written on her breasts and stomach ‘Brexit leaves Britain naked’.
The academic arrived at the faculty’s meeting last Wednesday where director of studies across all the university’s colleges as around 30 economists discussed teaching material and courses. Victoria often writes in Bloomberg noting how those that once championed free trade and now its most voracious critics and she had the nerve to bash both Joseph Stiglitz and the great Ha Joon Chang who now correctly see modern globalization as a basket pushing tremendous inequality unseen before on the face of this earth.
Victoria Bateman worries about the restrictions to free trade which have enabled this inequality to accelerate and nothing this woman lectures nor writes addresses this major problem which is now fully under attack and demand of major reform spoken by many causing this bimbo to undress and seduce her colleagues/ mean when you get up and expose your breasts to old ecnomists and bash men like ha Joon Chang trying to seduce him you are pretty much desperate trying to defend a twisted system
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