Tony Miselli
Money Speak
Richard Florida doesn't seem to now Florida that well and especially the backwater swamp lands of Central Florida. the famed urbanaologist and professor of innovation and money double speak at the Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto told an Orlando audience at the Chamber of Commerce and enterprise that service workers are people too. Richard Florida had a boring talk about an impassive need of the economic needs to invest in service workers eventually will trickle up to companies in quality sources of new customer engagement and productivity.

What Florida failed to say in this Central Florida audience is that CEO and upper managements will never actually do what he encourages as this would hit their pocketbooks and bottom-line and is preciously why these upper elite crusts of society have been bringing in more low-skill workers who profit the big wigs and help bring down labor costs dramatically for the native born. Richard Florida stopped at a coffee house the nest day giggling at the bullshit he was speaking knowing that profit margins are so squeezed in favor of the top management and companies employing door men, bus boys,cashiers, cleaners, servers, maids, in this hillbilly backwater red-state.

The owners of business will never invest more money into low-wage workers as it is the low wages and labor of these workers that make the corporate world and connected members and family so successful, monopolistic, and wealthy. They wouldn't put any more money into these workers aside from a few bucks for tips for real good quick service and gentling handling their Mercedes and Lexus vehicles through valet services. Richard Florida was blowing smoke to these business people in Orlando Florida and pocketed good nights jingle for himself as keynote speaker at the Future Of Florida Forum. these people who packed this forum wouldn't put any more of their money into their workers and these are the same people who put their money into political coffers to get the laws turned in their favor and work against workers rights in Florida fighting and spending their campaign money to keep this state a right to work for less money state.

I don't know what Richard Florida was snorting or smoking this night as he knows this and most likely didn't care as long as he got another speakers fee for talking bullshit as he didn't mention anything on the fight for a national fifteen minimum wage laws in some major cities that are forced by government to invest in living wages for their employees in these extremely difficult areas for service workers to afford to live near. Richard Florida spoke little of practical money matters and key issues facing a struggling rural service sector in a red state and if any indications for his past fees for speaking King Richard likely commanded a speakers fee of forty grand smackeraoos for this pep talk of fairness and investment in low-wage workers as clowns like him get paid outrageously for nothing.
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