Troy York
Talk show host Thom Hartmann and caller Steve pretty much explained the corporate take over of the United states during the accent of Ronald Wilson Reagan. The lowering of taxes for these corporations and allowances of these American companies to go over seas and set up base to further erode the tax base for Americans and cities in particular were a devastating plot by big money republicans to virtually destroy and annihilate political rivals between city and state. At the same time big corporations and business could get the cheap labor and their slice of corrupt institutions in foreign lands and tremendously profit for themselves through exploitation and theft of other governments coffers

Steve's assertion that Ronald Wilson Reagan using the Iran hostage crisis to his political advantage in what was likely to be an easy reelection of the last honest president this country has ever seen in the White House. Ronald Reagan was the Donald Trump reality star big potty mouth of the day and this guys main goal of cutting government and regulation for companies to become more inept and corrupt themselves while profiting from slave-like conditions. (i.e Nike) and allowing our purchasing power to financially benefit wealthy foreign entities and business is still not seen as the ultimate betrayal of this country.

The result has been a massive influx of foreigners as citizens with little actual loyalty to the American worker and people and are actually more beholden to the corporate global cause than improving the conditions of American cities and infrastructure in this massive land, where as much tax dollars as possible are necessary to maintain. the foreign corrupt immigration elite influx has also been responsible for lowering of the rate through the fed so they can borrow massively screwing Americans of savings rate and interest through the banks so all these wealthy foreign bastards can buy sushi restaurants and tapas eatery business at 0% interest. Ronald Reagan can be seen as the first truly global president whose main motivation and policy was motivated for global business and weapons manufacturers than actually serving as commander of chief for this nation and not the rulers of dozens of others. tax dollars that are spent are grossly misspent for the deployment of troops in some hundred bases protesting the shipping lanes and the defenses of allies and countries unwilling to spend their own tax dollars and budgets on their own defenses. Republicans and presidents like Ronald Reagan prefer to see investment overseas than on American soil and this is why Republicans so scorned George W Bush and his espeding spree on American social programs that were needed due to this massive overreach of wealth and investment to bring about capitalist exploitation and American expansion and influence of elite partnerships throughout the world through global business.

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