Alex Mousololpolous
Bill Murray is an attention seeking old aging celebrity desperately trying to remain in the limelight. he is attending Chicago Cub playoff games in hope of constant camera acknowledgment and is now given a platform to write in real Clear Politics with a political column. Bill Murray is an old actor making much money from globalization and moves exported to other countries and Murray for some reason mocked peak oil writing about what ever happened of it.

Bill Murray is not an energy expert and he barely is even a comedic actor these days just being an old Chicagoan trying to get any recognition from Chicago's successful sports teams in this corporate big-spending era on sports. Bill Murray even had the audacity to bash Richard Heinberg whose work on perpetuating what Murray considers the peak oil myth must of enraged the longtime actor all these years while he was making bad movies through the years. Bill wrote in Real Clear Politics of the incredible technology of fracking and how trillions of barrels instead of millions now is available for humanity to burn immediately into the environment polluting the atmosphere and that this country should have access to export and sell our reserves of oil and natural gas. How the heck this prick became an oil business man is

unknown buy questionably he must of made some money in Hollywood and is now investing it into other fields. Its the attacks though on Richard Heinberg and the late Mathew Simmons that really irks me and Bill Murray knows little of oil and energy and the dangers posed on our water supplies form untold chemical fracking into the ground water to get this stuck and hard shale oil. peak oil was about the diminishing of easy oil ahhh one would get from digging and shooting into the ground while hunting rabbits like in the Beverly Hillbillies. Murray is an idiot and I don't now why he is writing for a reputable and politically distinguishable outlet of Real Clear on subjects he knows little about but for attacking Richard Heinberg and Mathew Simmons he clearly shows he is still a clown all of these years and needs to do a movie version of Bozo for his next project instead of writing columns in RCP.

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