Jerry Palmer
Greg Hunter is tired..of talking to dweebs like peter Schiff and having to hear Peter Shciff always talk about how the feds are failing to raise interest rates and the dollar is going to collapse. Peter shiff appeared on Greg Hunter's awful YouTube channel for the sixteempfh time. Schiff and Greg Huter talked about the corrupt nature of Hillary Clinton and how she threatens a world war possibility with Russia as this woman is totally unfit to be president of the United States.

Greg Hunter has been bringing economy news for a long time often getting little sleep worrying about the state of affairs and World war III that is lurking behind every corner and hi and Peter Schiff warned the devoted few listeners of this USA Watchdog website that economic collapse and war are coming. The two gold drug pushers again said that investing in gold and silver is essential to surviving this possible disaster and that china is buying both all the worlds gold reserves and American politicians and if Hillary Clinton is elected president more debt and eventual ownership of the entire country's assets would be put in the hands of the Chinese dictatorship that are crony corporate sellouts have basically done their best to hand the country over to their rule.

Schiff and Hunter can't believe how naïve the American people are at Hillary Clinton's foreign policy financially supporting terrorists in Syria and helping them escape the onslaught of Russian and American military campaigns with warnings and eventually this wicked evil woman is pushing this country closer and closer to confrontation with the Russians
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