The backwater rural hicks of Eastern North Carolina were hit hard by perhaps a vengeful God mad that these idiots pushed a law to discriminate against the GLTG community and pushing for new state laws allowing discrimination. Rural backwards areas such as this region and the number of Al Qaeda type- towns such as Mayberry received eighteen inches of rain and over thirty five deaths have been attributed to the area. many of the idiots were drowned in this red-state loving big SUV vehicles in their suburban sprawl and big truck lifestyle and many of these moronic dimwits who drowned couldn't abandon their beloved trucks who they passionately love as one would love their pet Cocker Spaniel or Labrador. One of the basic economic problems this country is facing is the high costs of subsidizing these rural folks maintaining infrastructure and roads for what are areas inaccessible for most and environmentally jeopardizing for any who would be silly enough to sink their money into these disaster regions nobody should be residing. case in point Amanda Brown as she clutched a green folder with personal documents while she waited to speak to a FEMA representative along the banks of the river threatening to inundate her town.
She lives in Princeville, a historic town of about 2,000 that's considered one of the oldest chartered by blacks in the U.S. It was devastated in 1999 after Hurricane Floyd's torrential rains, and it has started flooding again after Hurricane Matthew. Why these people are allowed to continue to live in these towns that add nothing to the nation and just take more every time a disaster hits what should be remote inhabitable lands.
Eastern North Carolina is a wasteland like much of the South whose only wealth and reason of settlement back in the day consisted of having labor free and inexpensive to maintain. these days at long gone and the descendants of those who first settled stubbornly cling on their ancestral homes ignoring the fact there is little future and then expecting handouts from the government when natural disasters and costly storms hit the region from an ever increasing warm planet. they remain because it boosts their ego to say they are landowners as many just raise six cows and some chicken feed basically on a subsistence living in part fueled and helped by massive low-interest debt. back in the day communities were small and infrastructure limited in regions such as this and idyllic towns like Mayberry didn't pollute or contribute much to global warming with endless driving and increased heavy use of massive big agribusiness. now though these backwater places are seeing their rivers and waters i crease with increased hardships as massive number of global Chinese and Chinese- Americans fly back and forth over the North Pole skipping the Pacific ocean as a new short cut to reach their lands and collect on their US holdings and our debt shrinking the polar zones and filling the oceans with warming waters. The Mayberry's are experiencing what the peasants in china have faced for eternity form limited resources too hold back the water from their overconsumpry and predatory environmental degradation of the Chinese.
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