Jerry Palmer
The pinhead Jeff Berwick was on many of these bitcoin sites telling people if they don't like the idea of Donald K Trump being president they should just utterly refuse to at taxes. The anarchist libertarian says Trump and Clinton were just puppets and only voting for libertarian values would produce the real change he says Americans are longing for to do. This coming from a fuck who moved to Mexico to avoid taxes and confiscation of wealth and land from Mexicans. it seems the Berwick wants to continue the family tradition along with countless other Americans moving South of the border and could explain why they are such big advocates for open borders. Berwick says The primary source of power of all governments today is their communist style central banks and monopoly on money.

Without it, most governments would not have anywhere near the size or control they currently have without taxation. of course the pinhead doesn't say it is capitalist ventures of hoarding resources for profit putting governments in competition for one another that caused the major world wars but the pinhead Jeff Berwick has his own objectives in 2016 and this is pushing electronic money and bitcoin--which could easily hide the worlds dirty and dark money for the criminal class of illegal transactions. The pinhead also says next weeks vote on the Italian constitution will be further evidence the European Union is falling apart and it will be replaced by various authoritarian states pitted against one another. He blamed George Sorous for this and said people better get some of his dam dam Bitcoin as his mortgage in Mexico on his huge hacienda and estate doesn't come cheap
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