Worthless web site Living Social bought out by Groupon. is Groupon next?

Money Dream
Martin Manziel
  For the workers and people at daily-deals site LivingSocial being bought by Groupon was dream money. it means their gig and scam of a valuable and much provided company can continue for a while as Chicago's tech giant group on bought this worthless company. The fact that both companies never make an operating income is irrelevant because dream money needs to be spent and bike lanes provided for the young tech workers way over-paid in Chicago's Bucktown and Wicker Park areas. The days of the Gaylords battling Puerto Rican fags is long over and Chicago wants a reputation of a tech sector and not ethnic groups battling one another and the city and the tech sector will ride this debt wave and scam as long as they can kick the can.Image result for living social.com workers Groupon and all these other companies do not even have to disclose how much these tech bail outs of each other cost. Living Social was formerly owned by Jeff Bezos who luckily lost a ton of money in stock values this past week and according to Bloomberg LivingSocial was once valued at 6 billion but is now worth half of that. I say it was never worth that and was worth about as much as that shoe you see from time to time hanging on top of a telephone wire. Image result for andrew mason detour
  Former Groupon founder Andrew mason was in town recently and it brought bac in mind this Mark Zuckerberg jackass who got fired from his own company several years ago. Mason was in the windy city to promote Detour which is some application that gives you a tour of a city and whether these tours will include a South or West side view of Chicago in it is not known. Andrew mason looks like a seventies era serial killer and whether his dream company Detour will make any dinero like Groupon failed to do is yet to be determined. I don't think people will dream about opening up their wallets for a cyber tour when they can pay for a real vacation to a city of their choice and see it in person. Andrew Mason is just thinking of money or actually a bail out buy out of Detour someday like his alma matter just accomplished buying out the pathetic techweb site called LivingSocial. what would be funny is having Mason do lectures or stand up and talk about how getting funny money is the real key skill  of the tech industry and how they then ponzi scheme merge and "acquisition" their way to maintaining apathetic and useless industry benefitting the math Image result for andrew mason detourmemorization skill set people around the world in maintaining valuable jobs that add nothing to the economy and are almost all exclusivity of failures that they continue to get investors to reward nd waste continual  printed money from the fed. these jobs are intended for the sons and daughters of the elite to have a easy job sitting down most of the time and having fun like they are on their dorm floor and provide nothing for the overall economy. I guess it could be worse on Milwaukee avenue in Chicago as squirrel and little demon could be out looking for Chico of the Latin maniacs or something to that affect instead of these scam artist craft beer drinking hipster hucksters of the Midwest tech scene. Image result for gay lord gang chicago

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