Professor Erik Husrt appears on Russ Robert's EconTalk program to bash young men for playing video games and not getting a job at McDonalds

Jordon Morgan
   Liberal economic professor Erik Hurst is jealous of the countless number of young men who are sleighing over hard work and putting in time at low-wages and serving their corporate masters as young men in the past. Professor Hurst was on Econ Talk podcast hosted by one Russ Robert's and received some flak from Mr Robert's about the centralized theme of a recent paper which Mr Hurst has written about young men, video games, and the work place. Image result for young man playing video game in basementMr. Hurst went on to complain about the low marriage rates of young men and that few of the young men in their others basement playing Risk or Weapons of war were single and not having children--as if somehow that is a requirement of all men ignoring sexuality issues and so forth.Image result for professor erik hurst chicago Mr. Hurst is an extreme business type professor alarmed that many young men in America are not only not working but happier in ranked polls and questionnaires compared to other men of previous generations and somehow this angers Mr Erik Hurst. Russ Robert's questioned Hurt ignoring the role of technology and video games in todays society and said the issue was dead end jobs that these young men would rather not be wasting time and playing Zaxxon or Doom. Professor Hurst told Robert's he longs for the day when young men had no choice but to take these "reservation' jobs and this was better for growth in the economy. Russ Robert's tore this nutty professors workplace and young male bashing theory to shreds and I would ad something this gutless wonder failed to mention in his criticism of young Americans. He mentions nothing of the sell out of these young males of their their gotheir government to have college spots exclusively often filled with foreighners--Related image  their government of college spots and the exclusivity of areas and universities for children of wealthy foreigners--many of whom are not qualified cheating their way into Americans corrupt colleges and universities in this new global economy. You have plenty of males who have had their opportunities derailed from the foreign express.  After listening to this discussion it appears that professor Hurst is follicle challenged nd angered that many young men have it easy these days getting to enjoy their free time away form the hassle of raising a family and working a crappie job people don't respect you in and the service. perhaps professor Hurst should play some video games like Warriors based on the late seventies movie. This game showed the alternative to a dead end economy and what young men could be out doing instead of safely at home being served cookies and milk from their helicopter mother. Perhaps Mr Hurst would prefer to go to another era where young men roamed the streets with gang vests bashing heads instead of bashing their thumbs on joysticks.Image result for warriors video game

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