White Lives atter. another White woman a victim of Black racial terror as tricia McCauly raped and strangled by a black man

Bradly Austin
  The racial terror epidemic continues on America has black on White sex crimes and murders have long been suppressed by the mainstream media. The latest murder though in Washington D though is getting press coverage as it represents what is every white female liberal urbanists worse dreams of being slayed by the vicious animals of African-America descent that share our streets. The Black savage perpetuator actually claimed Tricia killed herself after just meeting her on the streets and having consensual sex and this shows the insanity of so many of the se black rapist killers in such denial of their bestiality bloodletting lusts they have such for Caucasian and non-Black women. this is simply put a genocidal war being waged by Black men upon white people that does not get nary the press coverage from the evil media forces instead concentrating on police violence while ignoring Black street hustle violence that is unleashed daily upon White Americans.Image result for Tricia McCauley. For Tricia McCauly living in an urban center in Washington Dc proved fatal as she was ignorant of the hatred and evil of her black citizens have for what she looks and represents. more and more liberals in cities are discovering the real enemy is the Black race so often in denial of their own hatred against White society and is often the case of needing police repressive forces and surveillance because of the dangers posed by their presence sharing the streets with the likes of Adrian Duane Johnson. In days past his killing would be immediately avenged with a rope and a tree that served as cautionary tale and to disway other Black men from repeating their true desires and backlash against White society and until we have a return to this vigilance these crimes will be repeated so often by these animals. this particular savage should of been locked in the prison system like so many of his kind but he was allowed freedom to kill and had an ankle device to monitor him which he took off and then avoided a court case to put it back on the animals ankle. Image result for Tricia McCauley.

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