Racist caller Carl From Nashville calls Thoma Hartmann and says America got what it deserved in Trump

Cody Maloney
   Carl From Nashville is some loser tow truck driver from Nashville who makes a habit of calling in progressive radio stations and basically playing victim and attacking the republican party. The country is filled with ignorant Carl's who know little of politics and just run the same ridiculous rhetoric and he likely is a paid hack to spread his venom and that of the Democratic party into the radio waves. Carl is seething from he election of Donald J Trump and recently he made a call that is highlighted on Tomh Hartmann's Youtube channel as he fields a call from this boob.
 Carl made more of his anti-White rants as he is known for on these anti-White and Middle American hating propaganda stations that often push sexuality freedom because this is the only freedom their liberal nobility and monarchical master allow  them in Europe and Blue state America. Progressives on both sides of the ponds believe that because they can have sex in the parks that somehow they are free when in much they are not living under the financial terrorism and tyranny of the ruling urban class. An idiot like Carl from Nashville works feverishly to separate the races and cause a commotion and atmosphere of mistrust with his hatred and inability to understand the political revolution that took part for the american people in thwarting off the plutocratic crowning of Hillary Clinton and Clinton regime II.   I can't blame the Carl from Nashville's for not comprehending because this man is totally of low intelligence and education and the real racialist culprit is talk show host Thom Hartmann and others giving this dickhead constant verbiage air time to spew his stupidity and hatred for this country. 

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