The hypocrisy of Steve Chapman

Eric Ericson
    Steve Chapman is a syndicated shill for big business and one of many members of the media which tried diligently to derail the presidential prospects of Mr trump and the dreams of so many Americans of taking their country back from the transnational multi-corporations running the once great land. Big corporation bought off the media landscape years ago and in its features and papers are paid hacks with certain guidelines and misinformation that is needed to materialize in these corporate newspapers and Steve Chapman is a chump that will write everything he can for the interests of big business. Chapman is no fan of Donald Trump and attacked trump's pans to renegotiate NAFTA and all these trade deals that ga e foreign competencies i Europe and Asia too much political and monetary influence against the United States. Image result for steve chapman columnistChapman is a shit that was upset the Tran-Pacific partnership deal was struck down as both the left and right political extremes saw this plan for what it was in giving Asian elites much more power to use our courts against American communities in lawsuits and court orders against their polluting economic policies for profit that they have had full reign in China. This shit and chap Chapman wondered what foreign country would rush to sign an agreement stipulating that they will train and only hire Americans and with this Chapman comes across the major problem and goal of globalization. These foreign companies come to America and take advantages of our tax rates to help their bottom line and the economic fortunes of trans nationalist and the citizens of their country of origin more than America Globalization is just another term for colonialism with the corporation in place of the old nation state or monarchical colonial power. This is not superstitious as Chapman says and only a jerk like him who has benefited form this status quo would defend it as he enjoys the privileged of writing in the nations newspapers in support of foreign governments and their crony business. Chapman says prices for fruits and vegetables along with steel would dramatically rise without a shred of evidence.
He said that thousands of car parts jobs would be lost as drivers shipping parts to Mexico would see their business slash as this writer never examines why the policies and absurdity of setting up operation to ship parts to mexico was even set up to begin with. Are Mexican companies and people not able to rpduce their own car parts and this unnecessary waste of fuel and travel needed for parts. is this all done to deepen the pockets of big oil and add to an already precarious environment problem for the planet. Chapman says that Americans currently get shipped millions of cheap shoes from Asia and benefit from many cool styles , but doesn't this geek think native shoe entrepreneurs could pick of the slack as they have done with like say Craft Beer. The orgin and motivation of American business is to see to it there is a priority of benefiting Americans and not jet traveling globalists whose crony corporate connections in other countries have sway for policy and decision in America . Immigration in the old days meant people came to America and lived full time developing the country into a powerhouse and not what it has become where dual nationalities and people residing in al parts of the world decide operations and have a monopoly of prosperity.
Steve Chapman and other backers of globalization are just fans of shipping and many make their living from being influential middle men enjoying g the perks of international travel,fun, and sex and this is the real reason these traitorous kleptocracy wish to enforce this consummate  tyranny on the American people. They know dam well we don't need a system that relies on slave wage foreign shoe manufactures when many Americans can be at work  making better quality longer lasting shoes than the gym junk from Asia. A Steve Chapman is somebody really not concerned with slave wages and sweat shops in Asia and somehow wishes to see this process continue. The Steve Chapman's and other sin the media will not want you believing this fact about immigration and American history. Immigration today is a form of colonialism and Donald J trump is Americas Ho Chi Minh and Sukarno.

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