More and more money in the past decades have been funneled by Americas growing addiction to petroleum and into the coffers of the radical Muslim Saudi Arabian state that has spent immensely on promoting a religion and culture where women must cover their heads. Sean Stone has a video out explaining what has happened in the past century and how all Americans in big SUVs fund the Saudi State and its goals of promoting extremism and traditional Arab lifestyles and sickening modesty as a backlash against openness and Western values. Much of these values have been corrupted as America destroyed its own energy structure and then threw in their lot to import oil from the axis of evil Gulf States helping these sates financially benefit and then fund Muslim warriors in other lands. Stone speculates if this was the strategy all along and that the Gulf States of Arabia is some sort of jihad American-created hybrid to help Jewishstan grow and get the money funding it needed and an order of protection was thus given by the American industrial complex. .

Inspired by the William Engdahl boo the son of Oliver interviews many insiders including the hot and lovely Nomi Prins as they discuss how the financers wage and fund wars of profit and push a agenda of global trade that is incessant on constantly burning fossil fuels on a mass scale. Sean Stone's "A Century Of War" is a excellent four part video series and he is not his fathers
documentarian and he examines the Anglo-American promise to Jewish bankers and Saudi royals for a greater state and how this slow progress is shaping up today. Any documentary highlighting Nomi prins and having her in front of skyscrapers can't be too bad to look at for a while and Nomi live sin a society where she is not forced to cover up her hair as silly Muslims enforce upon their women. In a sense waging war against a culture and religion like Muslim for a hundred years thus starts to make some more sense

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