Alex Jones has food babe Vani Hari on to blast bad chemicaly tainted corporate beer

Baxter Lomax
   Big American corporate beer is bad and has no taste being so watered down through the years and brain-washed many people through sports and advertising to accept this monstrous bad drink. Vani Hari appeared on Alex Jones show a few years back to explain why big beer such as Budweiser and Miller are so bad basically having the same properties and chemicals one finds in glass cleaner. She talked about the history of beer and how the drive for profit and cheapness eventually produced a product from Amheuser Busch that was not only addicting and unhealthy but awful for the taste an to put in your body. This beauty and the beast interview was both informative and humorous and the exposure of bad beer being served through these mega-global corporations is always a topic I love to dwell i as it took me years to convince the owners of the Itasca Inn and three guys pizzeria to go natural an micro brew their own beer. Why anyone with a working wave in their brains would even continue drinking Budweiser and
 Big corporate beer would snooker people into thinking their product is living the high life as investors flooded these companies with cash funds and demands they pay tribute of this money to media and advertising nobility and produce a few celebrities such as the Miller High Life guy Antwon Middleton, who likely died from over drinking  product in the thousands of appearances he made pushing bad and dangerous Miller products. Wendell Middleton would of still been alive had he been pushing and drinking craft beer instead of the chemical elements of Miller that are unnatural and mixed with fertilizer or other household chemicals.Image result for miller high life guy Alex Jones and Vani Hari should of just mentioned the Miller High Life guy to best describe what an over-steady diet of bad cheap and laced chemically dangerous product that these companies claim as beer can actually do and cause damage to the human body. Wendell may have gotten alot of free puss as his time and living the commercial high life as an entertainer of  big corporate beer and advertising collusion but in the end he discovered the end far too soon in life. It is always great to see the beast Alex Jones talk to smart and knowledge beauties from time to time including the beautiful food babe Vani Hari on his Infowars programs as they discuss ow large mega corporation seek to adverse your health through their product and financial gains of putting chemicals everywhere in product to sell on the cheap.Image result for vani hari on alex jones beer

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