Conservative talk show host mark Levin keeps wondering why former president Barack Hussein Obama is in Tahiti vacations for two months with a bunch of men and not with his beloved transexual wife Michelle. Levin thinks is is strange that Obama is over in this remote island with a bunch of queers sitting in the sun and he is glad that Obama is over there away form the american political scene where this corporate puppet belongs and perhaps Obama is saving and now spending some of his money he made under the table in his years of service and being a good democratic party scalawag.
Levin had the fortune of getting a phone call from Black conservative Mel who mocked the violence of the protesting left-wing and how the media is not calling out these paid political hacks trying their best to undermine president trump in the first two months of his tenure.
Mel told Levin that conservatives need to rally and stand up for trump and stand up to this George Soros funded campaign of political discredition and to stand up to the likes of those wishing to reinstall Barack Hussein Obama from his gay paradise in Tahiti. Mel told Levin these losers are desperate following the shocking loss of Hillary Clinton and the liberals don't know what to do losing power and afraid that the global trade network that supported blue cities and a left-wing political agenda is now in jeopardy as the right-wing have organized to take back America from those wishing to sell it to foreigners and extracting the wealth for government corrupt cronies and their families in distant lands. Mel particularly called out Carl from Nashville who is both a joke and disgrace calling all of these liberal shows and says that Carl and Obama don't represent the views of Blacks in America. Mel went on to say that Barack Hussein Obama had more in common with Pakistanis and Indonesians than American black Christians and that he had absolutely no Black America blood but Kenyan and Kansas white trash. The left will have to realize that their Barack Obama will be spending more tie in exotic vacation spots like Hawaii, Haiti and Tahiti.
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