Gerald Celente was gold, pot, and qat to be the new currency for the west

Wally Jackson
   Gerlald Celente is not happy with the Trump administrations sudden turn to go after marijuana dealers despite the medias drive to decriminalize this harmful substance. Gerald refuses to believe that pot is a gateway drug to powder and other  opioid addictions available and Celente recently wrote that marijuana needs to be allowed room to grow as an industry generating profits and business for many. Celente says polls are increasingly showing the public is OK with legalization of pot and who is asked or whom conducts
these polls often being skewed is something this trend forecaster can't be truthful about. Gerald and the drug dealers Inc of America would love to see all hardcore substances legalized and spread and an example is the Qat leaf in Kenya and Somalia as more and more growers are ending coffee production and growing this nasty leaf that gives people hallucinogens. perhaps Gerald Celetne wishes to see the american dollar replaced by both gold dust in an hour glass and marijuana and Qat can be the new currency and the older browning leafs can be ahhh like the higher marked up currencies. Great Britain banned the import of this nasty habit and growing drug that is being more and more cultivated even in non-Muslim areas of Kenya and Ethiopia  for export and was recently reported on by economist magazine. Celente is a moron for pushing pot and says states want and need the revenue but I wonder how many local villages and the community would respond to these fake news polls pushed by the air head neurotic and eccentric population if asked if they would want as many pot shops on their main community commercial districts as some communities face with endless tobacco and cigarette stores.
The last thing the world and global trade needs is a new product where people chew a leak and spit out the seeds everywhere pushing germs and so forth everywhere and Somalians have always been and always will be a stupid slow race ever more extreme than other people on the African continent. People should resist Americas Qat in being pot which would be both a symbol of tis country's decline and actually result in more of it and hearing Celente talk about this nation it seems this is exactly what this globalist wishes to see. Celente some times sounds so fucked up he clearly must be part of the middle-aged community long having abused opioid  and other pill popping pain killers in his belly.

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