Last October on Halloween 24 year old Suadi potential Muslim radical was living thhe american life wit tons of friends and was described as being happy all of the time wit a smile as bright as Tonald McDonald. His local Wisconsin college friends described this brown wannabee as a great friend and such a wonderful personality but Muslims being Muslims i say this was show and of course this son of a bitch was happy to be in america.
Given that the nineteen members of the World tarde center attacks were also described as friendly and outgoing westernized men as Hussein Saaed Alnahdi one has to be suspect of all Saudi's studying in this country and obviously the White male outside of toppers must of been angered and seen the other side of Hussein last halloween outside Toppers Pizza as he beat the living shit out of this potential terrorist sleeping cell band member. One of the most dangerous students in america are these royal elite and entitles globalist Arabs having successfully brainwashed and invaded the heart of Western civilization to push their faith and civilization upon our lands. they use your big truck energy wasting vehicles to fund their families coffers and send their kids into our colleges taking up spots in schools that should be reserved for Americans. the collegiate system is a system that needs to be attacked and ended funding of as long as they cater to an international crowd more tha the native and you will see our university system under further pressure as more and more relaize how tax-payers are being conned so Chinese and Muslim students can come here
Cullen Osborn beat the living shit out of this butter brain Muslim infidel and he has remained tight-lipped about motivation san fight as authorities eagerly seek to put additional hate crimes to please their Saudi masters. how these Saudis have infiltrated this country using students like Hussein to infiltrate out country and make deals benefiting their kingdom and radical sharia Muslim wicked religion many in America see Cullen as a patriot and hero for not taking shit and standing up to the sons of Muhammad and their entitlement and presence in our lands allowed access and settlement thanks to insane immigration and collegiate policies allowing enemies into our communities to trick people of their good intentions.
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