Davis Pakman and gay lover Lewis angry that Donald trump stopped and talked to a hot Irish reporter

Bradly Austin
   Diva David Pakman  again lead off his podcast radio show discussing the man he loves to hate as the gay Argentine and Israeli trolled Trump for the 307th time since Trump defeated Hillary Clinton and upset the global agenda of ramping up displacement  of Syrians for the growing Jewish empire and importing them into America to cause havoc and save Israeli money down the road. This time Mr Pakman was upset at president Trump's open and flirtatious actions in stopping and complimenting a very hot blonde attractive Irish reporter while he was talking to the Irish PM on the phone. Davis Pakman and Lewis are two white geeks green with jealousy that some men have the balls to do something that these two jag fags cannot which  is talk and approach, compliment women.

The gay wad Pakman was disgusted by this overt display of male heterosexuality as trump displayed the courteous charm that helped produce lovely offspring such as Ivanka Trump. Pakman is just jealous that his and his sidekick Lewis can never produce any children or openly display their sexuality in public
 The liberal shit Pakman thought it was so unprofessional for trump to stop conversation with a globalist leader and take time to recognize the beauty of a foreign correspondent reporter as Trump called her up to his desk and acknowledged her looks. This provided fodder again for Pakman who deep inside his rectum  felt anger again that a White strong male was victorious in the past election and a woman didn't follow in the footsteps of the first foreign globalist president of the United States and that Trump rubs his sexual preference right in the face of Pakman and his boyfriend producer Lewis to see and report. 

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