Pig Rush Limbaugh elated robotic investment for McDonald's translates to a reward in price of stock by the investing class

Tony Miselli
Money Speak
    Rush Limbaugh came out recently in his afternoon program and talked about how McDonald stock is rising given the minimum wage laws being pushed and riving the demand for self-serving kiosks that will cut labor and costs at this fat right-wingers beloved eatery. Rush Limbaugh hatred of the low-wage worker was evident recently as again he read the days memos and bashing minimum wage laws and praising McDonald's solutions for it was again a topic of robotic replacement for workers. The fat fast-food eating talk show syndicate host was elated that McDonald's stock was rising supposed of fake news that robot technology is  about to replace human beings at the classic iconic American junk food drive-thru eatery that has made many a men loo a d resemble a pig like rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh speaks with food in fork and forked tongue for the men of business and money using corporation and business to maximize profits for themselves while letting the people who run operations to suffer miserable under the wight of capitalism free-market terrorism that is run for the maximization of wealth of the upper management in a brutal class war being waged by this greedy selfish class. there is plenty of money at McDonald to pay great wages but the rulers of McDonald and other business would rather divert incomes and put it in advertising and pay sports athletes billions to play and catch ball on TV .
Limbaugh says all fast food workers are useless and worthless and that they are not deserving of half of the fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage laws set up in some cities so customers are not served by bums and homeless people. Limbaugh in his support and desire for the success of transition of McDonald into this bizarre concept of machine shop restaurant resembling a Jiffy Lube ore than an eatery is typical of the right-wing nonsense rhetoric that is always so vehemently against gains of workers in food establishments. he jackass Limbaugh want to blame the demands of workers and their advocates for the replacement of jobs instead of the greed of business wishing to have more left over profits to pay for the likes of propaganda and men like Limbaugh or lawyers when something happens in their business . This ever increasing wicked classic american ponzi scheme company should continue to get more and more pressure and vocal position and boycott for the direction they are trying to send this country over a cliff.

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