Alex Mousolpolous
Jim Hightower had another excellent piece talking about how the big electronic companies prevent people form fixing their own damaged item and fight against the American love affairs with tinkering with their product. Big time manufactures prevent self-repair because they seek other sources of revenue for their inferior products and Jim Hightower basically set it straight in discussion in his latest column about the treacherous corporate schemes to further price gouge the consumers after purchasing their already over-priced electronic gadgets. the Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook's of the world do not want the purchaser to repair their own items and instead go to their recommend repair store shops and the lack of freedom offered for self-handy fixers in repairing the often necessary repair operations of phones and tablets is an attack on our self-identity and ability for our products and purchases

Apple and Amazon are big conglomerates because they find new ways for revenue sources and forcing the consumer not to have the freedom to tinker and fix teir own items has to be one of the most egregious ever and Jim basically explained why you haven't heard form it y the bought media only concerned with advertising of these massive global companies and not informing people of the erosion of their rights and their products. Tim Cook, like the previous Apple shithead Steve Jobs,main priorities is to milk the consumer for all they can get and forced repair visits to approved shops is one of Apples largest growing revenue sources and sales for their stalling innovative products slow globally. Apple and other companies are fighting repair bills brought forth from angry consumers to their respective state legislators and people need to continue to push the profiteers in the electronic business to quit messing with the purchasers who give the likes of Cook and Bezos incredible wealth. Hightower went on to praise the mavericks on-line and on YouTube who have shown others how they can save a bundle of money are repair various items big and small themselves skipping the process the corporatists demand we go through to get our bought and paid for expensive items working again instead of being forced to buy new items or pay one of their hacks to repair various simple items at a large price request.

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