Mark Levin goes off on caller John about a maximum wage

Tony Miselli
Money Speak
   Mark Levin only respects those with alot of money and he is a big fan of inequality often rallying on his show against increase minimum wages for hard workers of america, Unlike Mark Levin there are millions of American workers toiling on their feet from eight to ten hours while the old son of a bitch sits and talks gaining paycheck of millions for his political nonsense and propaganda. There is so much money being printed and the likes of Mark Levin believe only a small class should continue to be rewarded for their risks and play living a wasteful consumeratory lifestyle often draining even ore wealth from these companies s where the workers feel the pain. a caller named John called up this shit fanatical right-wing talk show host and brought up the line for a maximum wage and why are there not always put in the books to prevent individuals from getting paid  tens of millions of guaranteed money despite their inferior performance that often sinks these companies. There needs to be maximum wage laws set in this country to end this money in our political system that gives advantages to the already entitles and handout seeking wealthy classes who use these government freebies and subsidies to empower themselves through hoards of money and then corrupt the system and hire media jacks like Mark Levin to spread their lies.
Mark Levin doesn't  believe in free speech as he immediately cut of the caller with no discussion saying companies can pay their top people whatever they want as Mark Levin never believes in a free leel playing field for the economy. The jackass is all set and happy with a small plutocratic class getting counterfeit money from the fed and the power to continue their abuse and class warfare  workers and the economy fighting to lower wages and prevent american workers form having a higher living standard and livable wages. This guy is more offended by the thought and idea of a maximum wage that would en this financial fraud and abuse of American companies by greedy globalist and the sell out executive class in America as shit face Levin thinks that one worker who does little should be paid extravagantly higher than the others below him and they are not deserving of raises  because they have less money. Assholes like Mark Levin always existed in history often making excuses and supported the nobility and power divine powers of rule by those claiming to be kings and people like Levin need to be seen as modern day equivalent and tyrants with their lunitic ramblings and support for the massive increased inequalities produced by the banks and major companies of this declining nation.

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