Al Gore appears on Russel Brand's podcast and considers running for president in 2020

Woody Underwood
    Al Gore is a former vice-president of the united States and he appeared on Russel Brand's podcast to talk about hurricanes and climate change. Al Gore and Russel are furious t of many things in life and the biggest issue is global warming that so many people in positions of power refuse to admit. Al Gore spent thirty minutes speaking of climate change as this is one thing the shit knows best and reasoning for existence. Al Gore felt like he got screwed over for the presidency and talked a bit about the US electoral system and how Hillary Clinton likewise would be president. if AI Al Gore had his way all the presidents horses and all the presidents name would be named Gore and Clinton again and again.
Al gore is seriously considering challenging Donald Trump for presidency in 2020 and it would be twenty years after Al Gore got screed over for the presidency. He may even pick one of the Clinton's to be his running mate in Hillary or former president Bill Clinton or go with a real wild card in either former Tenseness hall of fame quarterback Peyton Manning or even a fucking Russel Brand himself. Al gore takes seriously the issue of climate change and he wants the world especially the Western world off this scourge as quickly as possible. Al Gore has a strong chance of actually coming out top in the electoral college system this chance and his victory so he shall run in 2020 would be the political happy good story and political comebak of the ages.

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