Kevin Durant doesn't wish to see poverty like most members of the one percent

Baba Pugwuthi
  NBA legend and rock star Kevin Durant decided to return to the roots of another people and visited India this summer and he was appalled and shocked at what he saw. There were parts of India Kevin Durant observed form his limousine that were dirt poor and resembled parts of Africa and Haiti more than the world class country Mr Durant had expected to see when getting the invitation to do a basketball camp and promote ball sport of basket shooting.
Durant got to see the real India and not the one promoted by tourism and have clowns like him thinking the entire country is the Taj Mahal. Durant through took to social media to make his social observation of how there are monkeys and cows on the street and how much poverty and low-income folks there are begging on the streets of India. The problem with Durant's comments illustrates the ignorance and the bubble these athletes live in a global world where a mall parts of a country are allocated for massive spending and infrastructure and the masses of the people continue to live as peons and untouchables outside this bubble. Durant couldn't believe the visible poverty he saw and he wish that somehow on his next visit the government of India would put these people in a more reclusive area as he doesn't want to see East St Louis in his foreign trips that are suppose to be exotic.
Kevin Durant later apologized and should consider himself lucking for being born in sports obsessed and banking corrupt America that rewards men like him whose only skill consists of having a ball around them. Kevin Durant could easily found himself living in a slumdog beggar playing with snakes and roasting monkey corpses to feed his stomach when growling like a  center Bear.


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