Andy Thayer and his costly homeless activism accomplished squat

 Jordan Morgan
Andy Thayer cannot believe it The longtime activist and left wing radical filed a lawsuit in federal courts desperately trying to get the city of Chicago to stop the construction of a viaduct intended to improve the lives of the residents.the fact that some bums decided live under  and then be provided with tents by Andy Thayer himself   opened up the city of Chicago to this frivolous lawsuit. Luckily this week the case was dropped like a cook picking up a heated pan and Chicago could resume construction and force the eviction of a few dozen homeless back into a shelter where they belong. The homeless bums long living in a viaduct by Lake Shire Drive have long been a source if friction and danger in this area and the perennial agitator protester Mr  Thayer and his attempt to create a tent city to acre ate the problem and cause cost to the city should be declared and this jag fag should of paid this out of his own pocket.
Thayer's two year homeless activism helped little and just created more cost for tax payers and the city and the courts finally declared to this jagoff that the homeless do not have a constitutional right tore cent the city from up keeping infrastructure and make quality improvements to sidewalks that  affect them. Andy Thayer is clearly an ass prick that has inhaled a tremendous a,out of marijuana in his lifetime and for Jim to even get this gofer with this lawsuit is a sign of activism economic warfare. Bums do not have land claims and perhaps they should sek refuge in distant forests if this is where they plan on going with the issue of homelessness. Andy Thayer's hobos though would rather stay at the intersections of Lawrence and Wilson where they can continue bug and terrorize people and demand tolls for sharing a road and actually have  a roof while the homeless never got around to achieving this for themselves. Andy Thayer  would of been better off building some affordable housing in far away areas like near Elgin or Aurora and relocating his people there and ahhhhh become a landlord or something to that affect.

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